Ladies of Hive Community Contest #215- Navidades en Familia/Family Christmas

Hola, estimadas Damas!

La pregunta para este concurso me llena de entusiasmo y alegría porque me acerca, emocionalmente, un poco más a lo que para mi es el tiempo más hermoso de todo el año.

La temporada navideña siempre ha sido mi favorita porque es un tiempo en el cual hacemos lo posible de reunirnos y pasarla juntos en familia, es un tiempo en el que quien por una u otra razón, el resto del año esta ausente, procura y hace lo posible por venir y compartir la cena de navidad y esperar juntos el año nuevo.

Una de las cosas que hacemos en navidad y me encanta, porque siento que nos acerca más como familia, es cuando nos reunimos a hacer las "hallacas" (el plato tradicional navideño de Venezuela), además de los otras comidas que compartiremos en la cena de navidad y año nuevo. Esto es todo un evento. Lo hacemos con especial alegría, escuchando "Gaitas "(música tradicional navideña en mi país con la que acostumbramos acompañar el momento) o con aguinaldos y villancicos; más musica con la que le damos ritmo a nuestra Navidad.

Recuerdo que de niña procurábamos portarnos bien (por lo menos durante el mes de diciembre) para que el Niño Jesús nos trajera nuestros regalos, y ese 24 tratábamos de permanecer despiertos y así esperar su llegada a las 12 de la noche, pero siempre nos vencía el sueño y no lográbamos el objetivo :) . Al día siguiente nos levantábamos corriendo a ver lo que nos habían traído y pasábamos el día entero jugando con nuestro regalo. Aunque esta costumbre pareciera estar pasada de moda, aún la conservamos como parte de nuestras más queridas tradiciones.

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un regalo musical, una muestra de nuestra música navideña. Espero la disfruten...

Hello, dear Ladies!

The question for this contest fills me with enthusiasm and joy because it brings me, emotionally, a little closer to what for me is the most beautiful time of the year.

The Christmas season has always been my favorite because it is a time in which we do our best to get together and spend it as a family, it is a time in which those who for one reason or another, for the rest of the year are absent, try and do their best to come and share Christmas dinner and wait for the New Year together.

One of the things we do at Christmas and I love it, because I feel it brings us closer, is when we get together to make the “hallacas” (the traditional Venezuelan Christmas dish), in addition to the other meals we will share at Christmas and New Year's dinner. This is quite an event. We do it with special joy, listening to “Gaitas” (traditional Christmas music in my country with which we usually accompany the moment) or with aguinaldos and Christmas carols; more music with which we give rhythm to our Christmas.

I remember as a child we tried to behave well (at least during the month of December) so that Baby Jesus would bring us our gifts, and that 24th we tried to stay awake and wait for his arrival at 12 o'clock at night, but we were always overcome by sleep and we did not achieve our goal :) . The next day we would wake up running to see what they had brought us and we would spend the whole day playing with our gift. Although this custom seemed to be obsolete, we still keep it as part of our most beloved traditions.

Today I want to share with you a musical gift, a sample of our Christmas music. I hope you enjoy it...


Desde hace un tiempo esto ha cambiado un poco en casa, este año, por ejemplo, va a ser diferente. Mi hija mayor no estará con nosotros. En años anteriores ella ha venido y ha pasado parte del mes de diciembre en casa y luego se va la primera semana de enero; sin embargo, el trabajo esta vez no se lo permite y lo celebraremos con una video llamada, cada uno desde su lugar.

Hay muchos recuerdos hermosos que guardo de las navidades de mi niñez y muchos otros de las navidades desde la niñez de mis hijos, algunos capturados e inmortalizados en fotografías y otros atesorados en mi corazón.

For some time now this has changed a bit at home, this year, for example, is going to be different. My oldest daughter will not be with us. In previous years she has come and spent part of the month of December at home and then leaves the first week of January; however, work this time will not allow it and we will celebrate with a video call, everyone from their own place.

There are many beautiful memories I have of Christmases from my childhood and many others of Christmases from my children's childhood, some captured and immortalized in photographs and others treasured in my heart.

Burrito sabanero-villancico

_Gracias por tu visita y lectura. Espero que hayas disfrutado el regalo musical de mi país. Hasta una nueva oortunidad.

Thank you for your visit and reading. I hope you enjoyed the musical gifts from my country. Until a new opportunity

Las fotografías son de mi álbum familiar/ The photographs are from my family album


Even with what time constraints we have make the best of what time do have with making our Christmas traditions just as memorable as we remember them best. ❤️

That is a great and beautiful idea. Our Christmas memories will be as beautiful as we store the good moments..
Have a great present 🎄Hi @kerrislravenhill

a child we tried to behave well (at least during the month of December) so that Baby Jesus would bring us our gifts

So cute...

I had no idea about traditional Venezuelan culture and never heard about the dish before that you mentioned. There was so much to learn from your post about your culture and tradition. Thank you for sharing your moments with us...

Hi dear!
I appreciate you stopping by, reading, and leaving your review on my post.
I think that in the same way that you know little about Venezuelan culture, I don't know much about the culture of many of the countries where most of the users who make life in this big ecosystem. For my part I would love to share with all of you the richness of our traditions and customs as soon as the opportunity arises.
Big hug @priyanarc

La música navideña me encanta me llena de alegría y entusiasmo. Un abrazo.

I love Christmas music, it fills me with joy and enthusiasm. A hug. @esthersanchez

At least no family gets left behind for the celebrations... Thanks to technology 🙂

As it should be, my friend! Blessings!!!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/15) @sacra97 tipped @esthersanchez

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hi, good day ma'am,I really did enjoy your write up well done ma'am