[ENG/ESP]. My first venture

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago
I never thought that at this point in my life I could have a business, or, as they say now, an entrepreneurship.

In any case, I must say that it came to me at a stage in my life when I greatly needed it and it came to satisfy a need that I always had, but I was never able to exercise it because I was dedicated to my profession and did not have enough capital to do my own business. .

There is a saying that the last thing you lose is hope. In my case, I have always liked to sell things, to be in that exchange with human beings, to be able to provide them with what they need and for them to leave pleased and satisfied with my treatment.

Well, it seems that these merchant wishes are coming true for me.

It is not a big business or anything like that, but, for two retired women, it is very beneficial because it does not require much effort and the monetary investment we make is almost zero.

You may be wondering what my venture is. Here it goes:

In my country a business called “Garage Sale” has been allowed. This consists of selling clothes and other supplies on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The location used is the entrance to my friend and partner's house, which is larger than mine.

The merchandise we use is clothes that we no longer use, shoes that we have left, sheets, towels, household appliances and other clothing that we have in our homes.

At the moment, we have a lot of merchandise and of both sexes, because both she and I have been affected by the issue of emigration and our three children left the country. In her case, her granddaughter, her former husband and her son-in-law also left. The above has provided us with a quantity of merchandise that is in very good condition and we offer it at prices that people can pay.

For both of us it has been an entrance to a world that has made us useful and has improved our economic income because the pensions they pay us do not cover even a third of our basic needs.

On an emotional level it has been a breeze of hope and a way to maintain a very good emotional balance. We already notice how we want the day to start the garage sale to arrive to be in that dynamic that we like so much.

Someone asked me what we will do when the merchandise runs out. My answer was simple: for now we are living and enjoying this beautiful present, as we continue to advance we will see what other things we can think of.

The other thing I've been asked about is the economic gains.

What I can say is that I need money and I need it, like everyone else, but, at this point in my life, that is not the most important thing because what this offers me on an emotional level, in terms of health and inner peace new job cannot be compared with any money in the world.


I have used Google translator.

The photos are my property, taken with my Samsung Galaxy phone.


Nunca pensé que a estas alturas de mi vida podría tener un negocio, o, como se dice ahora, un emprendimiento.

De cualquier manera, debo decir que me llegó en una etapa de mi vida en que mucho lo necesitaba y vino a saciar una necesidad que siempre tuve, pero nunca pude ejercerlo por dedicarme a mi profesión y no tener el capital suficiente para hacer un negocio propio.

Hay un refrán que dice que lo último que se pierde es la esperanza. En mi caso, siempre me ha gustado vender cosas, estar en ese intercambio con los seres humanos, poder proveerlos de lo que necesite y que salgan complacidos y satisfechos de mi trato.

Pues, al parecer, estos deseos de comerciante se me están cumpliendo.

No es un negocio grande ni nada por el estilo, pero, para dos mujeres jubiladas, es muy beneficioso porque no requiere de mucho esfuerzo y la inversión monetaria que hacemos es casi nula.

Usted se estará preguntando cuál es mi emprendimiento. Ahí va:

En mi país se ha permitido un negocio llamado “Venta de Garaje”. Este consiste en vender ropas y otros útiles los días viernes, sábados y domingo. El local utilizado es el portal de la casa de mi amiga y socia, que es más amplio que el mío.

La mercancía que utilizamos es ropa que ya no usamos, zapatos que se nos han quedado, sábanas, toallas, efectos electrodomésticos y otras prendas que tenemos en nuestras viviendas.

De momento, tenemos mucha mercancía y de ambos sexos, porque tanto a ella como a mí nos ha afectado el tema de la emigración y, nuestros tres hijos se marcharon del país. En su caso, también se fueron su nieta, su antiguo esposo y su yerno. Lo anterior nos ha provisto de una cantidad de mercancía que está en muy buen estado y la ofertamos a precios que las personas puedan pagar.

Para ambas ha sido una entrada a un mundo que nos ha vuelto útiles y nos ha mejorado la entrada económica porque las pensiones que nos pagan no cubren ni un tercio de nuestras necesidades básicas.

En el plano emocional ha sido una brisa de esperanza y una vía para mantener un equilibrio emocional muy bueno. Ya notamos cómo queremos que llegue el día de comenzar la venta de garaje para estar en esa dinámica que tanto nos gusta.

Alguien me preguntó que haremos cuando la mercancía se agote. Mi respuesta fue simple: por ahora estamos viviendo y disfrutando este bello presente, en la medida que sigamos avanzando ya veremos qué otras cosas se nos pueden ocurrir.

Lo otro que me han preguntado es por las ganancias económicas.

Lo que puedo decir es que el dinero lo necesito y me hace falta, como a todos, pero, a esta altura de mi vida, eso no es lo más importante porque lo que a nivel emocional, de salud y de paz interior me ofrece este nuevo trabajo no se puede comparar con ningún dinero del mundo.


He utilizado el traductor de Google.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad tiradas, con mi teléfono Samsung Galaxy.


I smiled when you explained that even though you need money, it can’t be compared to health and inner peace.
Congratulations on your first venture. Hopefully, this merchandise brings you more success than you can ever think of.

I hope so, that it bears some fruit. But, what it brings me in spiritual tranquility and usefulness is what I enjoy the most. Blessings and thanks for reading and commenting.

It's great to see the health and peace of mind benefits of the new venture, I wish you all the best,

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Thank you very much for your good wishes. Blessings

You're welcome, amen


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It's nice that it provides an income for you and that you get to help people and declutter! A win/win all the way around! Best wishes on your endeavor! Take care and thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your good wishes. The truth is that I really like this new facet of my life that I have just discovered. Blessings.

Enjoy it! Take care!


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I wish you success and joy in this venture @estelacha and I love to shop used clothes too. Brand new has been too expensive and this form of Thrift shopping is growing in demand where I live because of the high cost of living.

That's my dear @kerrislravenhill. It is impossible for me to buy new clothes, especially with my retirement pension. Thank you for your beautiful words. Blessings.