Im on the same journey. Trying to have good routines, read more books before bedtime and eat less sweets. Even tho eat less sweets is way too hard 😂 But some days I am up way too late just scrolling on tik tok 🙈
I can recommend to try out tee or Just drink one cup of coffee in a periode of time. Coffee actually stop working if you are drinking the same amount all the time, that means that you have to drink more cups with it to get the same energizing feeling. Sadly enough. I have periods where I try not to drink it, and then start with one cup again ☺️
Oh yes, I also end up on TikTok for way too long, time literally flies and before I realize it's been an hour or two, haha.
I think that's what is happening to me now, I was drinking two coffee's a day and now I'm at three but for me it's more that habit of drinking it while I am working on University stuff or in front of my laptop (which is most of the day haha). I tried tea a couple of times, I guess I should try harder, lol. Or maybe even try decaf coffee.
I hope you're doing well, thanks for stopping by! :)