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RE: The Circular Breath

Thank you so much @bigorna1 :) I really value the insightful and positive feedback on my piece, and also that you took the time to read it! Sorry for only replying now, I had a busy weekend so was not around much!

the technique sounds like the one used in Didgeridoo playing

That is actually very true! I never thought about that but have tried my hand at a didge a few times so can definitely relate to that.

I have been experimenting with psychedelic mushrooms for some time now. it is a very personal issue between me and myself, not a party shared experience. it is almost a sacred ritual for me. it is always well premeditated well in advance. I free time for it. weather has to be just right. and my mood.

That is quite incredible!!! And I do agree that if something like that is to be explored, it definitely should be with a mindful and respectful approach! I would imagine that the enlightening moments must be quite something!!!!

what I love most is how ego is completely dissolved, leaving just an observer to a point that sometimes if I reach my hand to touch or grab something, its appearance in my field of view is a surprise.. as if someone else´s.

WOW WOW WOW!!! What an amazing experience! Do you ever write about your experiences? (even if it is just for yourself to document or capture certain moments or experiences to refer back to?

I say go with it. just make sure timing is right. you know best.

Thank you for that!!!


Do I ever write about my experiences ? well, I just did 😄
I tend to rely on my memory rather, what makes the experience ever changing over time as our memory evolves with us.

hahaha!!! I guess you did!

what makes the experience ever changing over time as our memory evolves with us.

I like that approach :)