in Ladies of Hive9 months ago

Buenos días, damas de la Colmena.

En la comunidad tenemos mujeres de ambos hemisferios, el clima puede ser muy variado. Queremos conocer vuestros consejos o acciones que lleváis a cabo para soportar temperaturas extremas tanto de frío como de calor, ¿tenéis algún hackeo original?

Mis amigas vivo en la región Zuliana de Venezuela es una de las regiones más cálidas que yo haya podido conocer, tiene una temperatura según los estudios climáticos de 34 grados en el día. En los últimos años esa temperatura han sobrepasado los 38 grados en el día. Hace poco pasamos una ola de calor yo me encontraba embarazada y de paso los cortes de energía eran por más de 8 horas.

Durante ese tiempo en el que el calor era insoportable estar dentro de la casa, trataba de estar con ropa muy fresca y me iba al fondo de la casa o al frente cuando (no fuera medio día) y cortaba pequeños cartones para abanicarme y refrescarme. Me bañaba hasta 5 veces en el día. Cuando no había agua porque se iba la energía, en un rincón en el fondo de la casa, tenemos una bomba de machete donde brota agua constantemente y allí estaba la felicidad.

Mis amigas en varias oportunidades hasta he llorado y no me da pena decirlo, saben que es lo mas triste ver a un bebe de meses llorar por el calor, y cuando nació mi niña estábamos con las temperaturas más altas de la historia y como lo dije anteriormente aun así quitan la energía eléctrica, ni siquiera para encender un ventilador, y ver a tu bebe llorando por el calor y no saber qué hacer para aliviarlo es difícil. En últimas instancias colocamos polisombra en la parte de atrás de la casa para poder estar al medio día allí y que es mucho más fresco estar dentro de la casa.


Un día duramos más de un mes sin energía eléctrica y no podíamos estar en casa y nos fuimos a casa de la suegra y era un verdadero terror jajaja somos tan incomprensibles, ella allá tenia un aire acondicionado en el cuarto que quebraba los huesos jajaja en la noche debíamos dormir tan abrigados como si viviéramos en el Antártida, pero en el día como no encendía el aire que porque se le dañaba no soportábamos estar ni un minuto dentro era muy caluroso, pero nos socorríamos debajo de unos árboles de Ucaro que estaban fuera de la vivienda.

En fin amigas es muy difícil aquí el calor, y sobre todo si se va la energía y no tienes ni como encender un ventilador, las mejores acciones acudir debajo de los árboles, bañarnos para refrescarnos y vivir con un ventilador de mano es lo único que nos calma tan inclemente situación.

Hasta un aproxima oportunidad.

Esta ha sido mi participación en el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #189

Good morning, ladies of the Hive.

In the community we have women from both hemispheres, the weather can be very varied. We want to know your tips or actions you take to withstand extreme temperatures both hot and cold, do you have any original hacks?

My friends I live in the Zuliana region of Venezuela is one of the hottest regions that I have been able to know, has a temperature according to climate studies of 34 degrees during the day. In recent years that temperature has exceeded 38 degrees during the day. Recently we went through a heat wave, I was pregnant and by the way the power cuts were for more than 8 hours.

During that time when the heat was unbearable to be inside the house, I tried to stay in very cool clothes and I would go to the back of the house or to the front when (it wasn't noon) and cut small cardboards to fan myself and cool off. I would bathe up to 5 times a day. When there was no water because the power went out, in a corner at the back of the house, we have a machete pump where water gushes constantly and there was happiness.

My friends on several occasions I have even cried and I am not ashamed to say it, you know it is the saddest thing to see a baby of months crying because of the heat, and when my baby girl was born we were with the highest temperatures in history and as I said before even so they remove the electricity, not even to turn on a fan, and see your baby crying from the heat and not know what to do to relieve it is difficult. Ultimately we put poly shade in the back of the house so we can be there at noon and it is much cooler to be inside the house.


One day we lasted more than a month without electricity and we could not be at home and we went to our mother in law's house and it was a real terror hahaha we are so incomprehensible, she had an air conditioner in the room that broke the bones hahaha at night we had to sleep as warm as if we lived in Antarctica, But during the day as she did not turn on the air because it was damaged, we could not stand to be even a minute inside, it was very hot, but we had to help ourselves under some Ucaro trees that were outside the house.

One day we lasted more than a month without electricity and we could not stay at home and we went to our mother-in-law's house and it was a real terror hahaha we are so incomprehensible, she had an air conditioner in the room that broke our bones hahaha at night we had to sleep as warm as if we lived in Antarctica, But during the day as she did not turn on the air because it was damaged, we could not stand to be even a minute inside it was very hot, but we helped ourselves under some Ucaro trees that were outside the house.

Anyway friends, it is very difficult here, and especially if the power goes out and you do not even have how to turn on a fan, the best actions are to go under the trees, take a bath to cool off and live with a hand fan is the only thing that calms us so inclement situation.

See you soon.

This has been my entry in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #189



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Yo soy de Carora y el calor es casi igual que el Zulia por la cercanía, te entiendo , es muy difícil. Saludos

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Si amiga las altas temperaturas nos llevan a un estado emocional muy difícil. Muchas gracias por leerme. Saludos...

Air conditioning was hardly used in my home, only a few weeks a year in the second half of summer. In western Canada Electricity itself is cheap and reliable but the taxes, levies and fees make operating an Air conditioner expensive.
Otherwise, I'm used to cold. I'd likely faint the moment I step off an airplane arriving in Venezuela.
Thanks @edithb

Yes, my friend, if you are used to the cold, it would be very terrible to endure these temperatures that we are exposed to here. I would love to go one day to one of those countries to touch the snow, although I know that I would also die of cold. A hug...