Why Hive?

in Ladies of Hive5 years ago

I love words. I love playing with them, crossword puzzles, musing and sometimes, rhyming. I have become addicted to them, thanks in part to Steemit the other place that we forked over from. Several people, with their encouragement and a gentle nudge in the right direction. It just made me do more.

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The different challenges allowed me to learn how to create, make use of tools, editing, and appreciate sepia. I truly never did, until now.

family tree.jpg

I introduced my family tree and all its branches. There are so many pieces of whimsey that this place has allowed me to do. I say that they have been very indulgent keepers of the words. And then I put out a little poetry, prose of sorts and I even got a vote.I was hooked.


Out of a cloud of obscurity did you come
Leaving the gate of my heart undone
Revealing exposed to the world that was watching
Stealing my perception
Of love, everlasting

Must I wait for the lock to be fixed
My heart to be mended along with the fence
Shrouded this morning in a blanket of dew
Proposal of meandering the pasture instead


When I lost my kitty, the outpouring of love was touching. I said goodbye to my beloved little kitty and people held my heart while I cried. Accepting it is harder than I thought. She has been so loved. I know it is more acceptable to mourn a person than a pet to some people, but, animals become part of our family. The loss is real.


I horrified people with my refrigerator. I really am OCD with it.
:)) Okay... you know the drill!!! Let's do a refrigerator check!!! Open up wide and take a picture! That always keeps me honest on the junk I put in it. I just finished shopping the other day, so it has awesome yumminess still inside!


There is #alwaysaflower in my posts. What started as a fluke has grown, people like it and that makes me happy. I love you all for indulging me and giving me help along the way. It is always appreciated.

Heart Vine L.png

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.




Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Some days, it is not as easy to see,just how wonderful it really is. For me, I try to do my part. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

TEAMUSAhive_dswigle 1.jpg



I like the way load with your refrigerator eith vegetables and lost about kitty is alwalys sadness in the soft corner of your heart. This blockchain based platform helps to learn a lots.

Everyone in the family loves vegetables, so it is good to keep it well stocked so they don't eat junk. It is always sad to lose a pet, they become part of the family.

You are totally right! I have learned so much here! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! Have a good weekend!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @sheikh27! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

I dont think we have ever met in somewhere before through the ladies of hive another encounter is there.

Nice shots you have of every day life stuff and we will see us! Hive-5 !

I actually have not had the pleasure! It was so nice to meet you in discord and I did see what part of the world you live in. The beauty of living in Europe is everything is close enough to make a vacation out of it. Different countries and different cultures. I love it.

Thank you for stopping in and showing your support! Much appreciated!


thanks for the tip! So not necesarry but loving the gesture!

yeah europe is so diverse and it is really cool to see how different parts of the world have their own biece of beauty

(damn now I want to travel again haha)

I know, right?? I spent so much time there, my kids thought they were European. Oh, I really want to travel - like right now...

I think being American, nobody wants me though. Wahhhhh! :))

Thanks Karin!

uhhhhh I don't envy you at the moment I must say hahahahaha..

did I mention I grew up in California....so a bit of Americanism is in there !

I guessed with the Y'all! :))

Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @karinxxl! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

We have come a long way together on our journey with the blockchain. Supporting each other's posts with kind words and greetings of love to all we encounter has been a very sweet part of my day. YOU, my dear friend really brighten up so many people's mornings, who could ask for anything more.

We really have, haven't we? I think one of the reasons that I was drawn to you in the first place is your positively sunshiney personality, one that draws you in with the normal things in life.

I have found through you that the post doesn't have to be full of sparkles and glitter, although, to be honest, I like that too, but, the beauty of your everyday life. Which, if you think about it, is quite amazing, all in itself. Who knew?

So thank YOU so very much! Have a wonderful day!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @sunscape! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

I am enormously glad of this. Your posts always have meaning and feeling. As routinely as the flower.

It is my exquisite honor to have gotten to know you and get a peek into your life. Thank Hive!

If not Hive, where? If not now, when? Thanks for answering those questions every day.

Haha!! You know I love to see your smiling face! You really are so much more after the first glance. It has been so much of a pleasure getting to know you, listening to your thoughts, catching the wisdom you randomly toss out. Your journey is an interesting one, that really took a twist this year, I couldn't be happier for you.

It might have taken you a while, but, it is never too late with family. They will always be yours. Thank you, Tom, @bigtom13 for stopping by and leaving a little sunshine! Have a fabulous weekend!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @bigtom13! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

We have been together on so many platforms and its been a pleasure for me to grow to know you

I remember many of the things you mention but cannot see the photos not sure if it is Hive related or our internet isn't liking this cold morning LOL

Have a great day


We really have!!! There have been so many now, I can't count them all!

I didn't have any trouble, but, didn't get home until almost 9:30 so, it could have been glitchy before that. They are working on the fork stuff, so it might be like that for a couple of days. So, my bet is with that. :))

I have to say that you were one of the surprises in my circle of friends. You have an amazing capacity for accepting people as they are instead of trying to fit them into your mold. Thanks for that and thanks for hanging out with me, from platform to platform.

Are we done yet?


it was a short gitch I guess, its working again for now thankfully it was so frustrating

WOW thatsa a nice compliment, and I do think I try to see people how they are not in a mold of what I have got used to, I guess all my travels have helped me to be that way

Cheers and !BEER

I actually agree with that. When you are exposed to so many different cultures, most which don't fit into your circle, you expand that to make room for all.

Makes sense when you put it that way.

Thanks for the Beer!!!

They way you put it does make a lot of sense, either that or I am just a weirdo LOL


Stop tipping me! :) Or I am telling.


Oops sorry I didnt mean to !tip you it must have just slipped in, would a !BEER be better

BEER Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

BEER Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Big hug
From the Dutch blondHi sweet, we did meet way back and I did them all the #marketfriday the #refidgerator check #alwaysaflower and we both love the EL , PHC and the cruises we make. You know I am fan and I am so glad we are both in the new venture !

We do go back, woman! :))

Oh, yes! There have been some great times, especially the cruise. Sorry! I just love to sail. But, then again, I have spent so much time on land adventures too, but, really just started posting about traveling. My feet are getting itchy and our travel here is still limited by where you are going.

I am so happy to be in the new venture also and know it will be amazing! The heck with a hug! I want wine! Love to you! I'll hold the bottle, you open it!



Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @brittandjosie! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!


Upvoted and rehived😍

Thank you @ladiesof hive! It's been a blast!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @ladiesofhive! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

I can feel you so much in the loss of your Kitty, it's very hard to get over and accept the loss of a beloved pet. I still mourn the loss of the dog companions that had to leave me ...

Your fridge makes me want to get my own fridge look like that! So many yummy freshness on the photo. And the flowers, ah ... wonderful. What is a day without a flower?

Keep playing with your words, I enjoyed the words very much. It tells me a lot about you. And makes me look forward to more. Have a great weekend and take care!

Thank you so much, @hetty-rowan That is so kind of you and I appreciate the words about my kitty. It is hard to lose a pet!

I have to keep my fridge looking like that or I cannot find anything. I know people laugh, but, I have less waste this way because I can see it all. You are so right!!! A day without a flower is like a day without sunshine.

Golden Flower.png

I am so happy you stopped by and left your words. Have a great day!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @hetty-rowan! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Awwww.... this article is so sweet. What a romantic life you have. What a gift you have!
And I can imagine how the inside of your closet must look! 'Thank you for joining us in the community. You bring the sun with you wherever you go.

!tip Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend @dswigle. Take care 🥰🌺🤙

I always love your sweet comments. They have a way of making me feel special, so I want to thank you for that. My closets are pretty much organized, but, it is only from moving so much, I think. I have to redo them every few years, so they tend to be weeded out and reorganized at the time. Plus, I am a spring/fall cleaner. I think most New Englanders are! :))

Thank you for inviting me, it has been a most welcoming experience!

Have a wonderful weekend, Barbie girl. Lots of love to you!


Heart On A Course (L).png

Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @silversaver888! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

As I read your words, I am moved to see that there are others who have the carefree heart of a child! I mean this in a good way; that you are fearless in running and jumping and laughing in your poetry, the things you feel and do. I hope this makes some sense to you. It is so nice to find other ladies with a free and good spirit! Thank you for sharing and making me smile!💜

Oh, I am most delighted to hear that you can feel that in my words! I know that it is not everyone's cup of tea! :) It is no wonder that @silversaver888 and you are such good friends! You are like two peas in a pod!

It is a pleasure to have you come by!Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your kind and generous words @elizabethbit

Coffee Heart (L).png


Welcome LOH.jpg

!tip 1

Thank you for the warm welcome and the !tip

Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @hive-124452! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

I love this post 😊😊 and the refrigerator... Wow!!! I need to be more organized 😁😁 sorry about your kitty. You are right, they are indeed part of the family 😉👍🏼

Happy weekend!

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Thank you so much for the love @iamraincrystal ! You are such a thoughtful person! I have to be organized. Life is too busy for me to be otherwise.

Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @iamraincrystal! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 22 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks for the reposting @pixresteemer! It is much appreciated!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @pixresteemer! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Maybe you can start a business where once a week you go to peoples house and stock their fridge just like that.

Run to BJ's or Costco or even Sam's. They keep all their produce in containers. When used, I wash them out and put mine in there and stack them up.

Anyone can do it. I find it keeps some of the food fresher for longer.

But, yes, that would be a great moneymaker! LOL Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! I hope you have a peaceful weekend.


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @jacey.boldart! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Must I wait for the lock to be fixed
My heart to be mended along with the fence
Shrouded this morning in a blanket of dew
Proposal of meandering the pasture instead

Of course you miss your fur baby. They give unconditional love and we can't help but love them back. That photo was amazing. Sending you a virtual hug:)

Thank you. You always say just the right thing. You have the words and use them well. Thanks so much, Pryde and as always, I appreciate you stopping by and saying hello.

I hope you are having a nice weekend !! The weather has finally decided to be amazing!


Lucky. We are smoked in. But I think it will clear tomorrow.

Oh! I hope so. Does this happen every year?

Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @prydefoltz! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

I love all of these photos, but the cows in the fog is my favorite. 🐮

Also is that really your refrigerator?!!!

Where is all the junk food? 😄

It really is my refrigerator. HaHa! Don't judge my OCD :)) The truth is, it keeps it all organized and makes me more aware of things I have instead of hidden science experiments.

I actually don't buy junk food. I make it. :))

Thanks for stopping by!! I love the cows too. The farmer rotated fields and now I have to cut through to see them. :) Have a great weekend!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @dfinney! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

My fridge is a total disorganized mess 100 % of the time. I'm too ashamed to show a picture of it. But the outside is just fine 😊 just don't look inside.

I never used to be able to see everything in my fridge! It stacks easier with the containers I get from BJ Costco or Sams. You would be amazed at how much better everything fits. And some of the things last longer.

Thanks for stopping by! It is great to see you here. Have a great weekend!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @kerrislravenhill! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

They might be horrified, but secretly everbody wishes they had a fridge like that 😍

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Haha! You really think so? I have to wonder. It is a challenge to keep it this way, but, I can say that I waste less food this way.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! Have a great weekend!


I really believe that!Yes @dswigle,

We all want to:

  • Stop over eating and over consuming
  • Be healthier and eat fresher meals
  • Have an organized fridge

I do like the honesty that you don't necessarily waste less.😅. But that doesn't make it less #fridgegoals to me.

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Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @jeanlucsr! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

News: Archon Is Live On The Ladies Of Hive Community@hive-124452 wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @hive-124452 if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 1.0 HIVE tip from @hive-124452!

Thank you so much for the extra tip!!! That means I won somehow! Woo-hoo!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @tipu! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Your fridge is so organized!

Thank you so much! I try hard to keep it that way! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!


Why Hive? @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @yashny! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

What Do You Think Of Geiger Silver Bars?@silversaver888 wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @silversaver888!

Thank you so much! @silversaver

Monochrome Monday Back To The Mayflower@tattoodjay wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 0.1 HBD tip from @tattoodjay!



THANK YOU for your encouragement and support @dswigle! You are so appreciated!🥰🌺🤙

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You love the words and I love to read them. It is always a delight to see your post and wonderful images that comes together with your writting.
I am so sorry about you kitty. It is so sad to loose a pet.

I had no idea you lost your kitty. My heartfelt condolences. Whatever the situation, there is no more pain, only smiles. Doing all the things that kitties do that made you smile.