The Sea is Calling, Flowers and Cats, Oh my!

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

By all these lovely tokens September days are here
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer

~ Helen Hunt Jackson


It was a starry, starry night, but, when I got up, way too early this morning, I would describe it as a beautiful day, the good-natured feel of summer still shining on us, enhanced by the laughter of the gulls in the air. The shore was begging me to stay another day. Surely you can hear it from there? There is something so calming about it, centering my life, making sense of my day. Can you hear it? The sea is calling.

The gulls, too busy to pay attention to me, play with their alter ego in the puddles, these coming from the brief encounter with a dash of rain last night.


Oh, to wear the monochrome on the beach, do you think it takes away from the beauty of the vision? Watching as it rolls in, off the distant horizon? I was a huge fan of color until I became reacquainted with the world of black and white.

The emotional association of coloring one's world perchance? In so many ways, it adds to the peace of the moment, don't you think? I breathe. Then breathe again. It washes over me, leaving me to feel a sense of peace.


The emotional association of coloring one's world perchance? In so many ways, it adds to the peace of the moment, don't you think? I breathe. Then breathe again. It washes over me, leaving me to feel a sense of peace.


I can see that it is the beginning of the end. I do believe you can also interpret it as the start of something new... once something has finished, another will take its place in a different way.

He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me.


They want to be picked. They yearn to be loved. Shouldn't we all want to be? There must be a flower. Always a flower. #alwaysaflower


It just wouldn't be a proper weekend without a little bit of #Caturday involved. I'll close this out with a yawn and a cat, in keeping with the tag. And just like that, these words are done. Come back tomorrow and I'll do it again! Have a wonderful weekend!


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


I promised to post one Christmas picture every day, along with a countdown. There are 97 days 6 hours and 55 minutes 32 seconds until Christmas!





The Naming of Cats

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

TS Elliot

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I think you should answer the call. I have been bebopping from state to state and nary an issue. I am also happy to report the places of lodging appear to be doing well. Nearly full in many locations. Jump on in, the water is fine. This virus is never going away. May as well learn to live with it. No one gets out alive anyways.

I have been to the sea, the ocean much lately. I answered it months ago. Yes. The water is perfect. I haven't needed many lodgings between relatives close to where I have been going, but it is not fear of the virus that stopped me, but, lack of an opening in the hotel.

You should probably have guessed that the virus has never made me run as I ran at it head-on. I lived with it when people were cowering in their houses. I was prepared and ready but, just like my blog, I dove right in the middle. I see you hopping all over the straight route from Michigan to Virginia. Such a pretty trip, I am sure you are enjoying the experience, a once-in-a-lifetime bonding time with Ben. I always enjoy those adventures.

Stay safe.

Oh you know its not too shabby.
Like old John Fogerty sang

Guess I've got that old travlin' bone, 'cause this feelin' won't leave me alone.
But I won't, won't be losin' my way, no, no
'Long as I can see the light.

I am glad that, the coming days will feed me with the beauty and fun l have missed over time. Thanks for this dear @dswigle

Hello. SAM!! @mcsamm I thought you went ahead and quit as I have not seen you in forever. I am glad to see you back! Welcome back!

Thank you so much, dear. I was a little busy making plan for my wedding ceremony too. I got married two weeks ago and l am glad to share with you and all. I am fully back to share the greatness with you on the hive blockchain. l hope to be updated with the various daily challenges and trending issues on the hive. Thanks for your daily support dear @dswigle

Congratulations to you and the little woman! I am so happy for you and I hope you are going to do a post on the wedding or your wife or both! :))

My goodness your world is stunningly beautiful! That shot of the gulls is extraordinary! xo

Good morning from here! I want to thank you so much for your kind and generous words. I think our world is filled with beauty and so many people do not take the time to sit and enjoy it for a moment or three. I know you do oh, I can always tell by your comments how very observant you are in the world around you. Thank you so much for taking the time to come over and leave your words. Love to you.

Its a beautiful day with a smoth sun shine, clear sky and color indeed of indigo, sea is a example of great and kindness at it ready welcome every wave at the beach, beach become more beautiful when gulls roaming here and there, it don't pay attention to tourist except if you offer few foods. Flowers always making your day with its appearance, colour and fragrance. A lazy cat always make sure how to sleep very well whatever situation is!

Thank you! Its true, the waves roll in and out all day, all night. Even the gulls ignore all except those feeding them. Lazy cats make a perfect day, ending with flowers. Always.

Have a great day!

As the gulls pecked the ground for food, they wondered why their alter egos kept wanting to kiss, for they certainly weren't wearing a Kiss Me I'm Irish T. Flowers for you!

Hehe! And here I always thought they were such narcissists! Good morning from here! I hope you, Jimmy Dean and Krispy Kreme are having a most wonderful morning! The sun is shining oh, my little birds are singing and somebody is taking a bath in my fountain. That somebody being of a feathered variety. They prefer that over the bird bath. It must be the flowing water or the fact that these three levels and they can get in the shower. Well good morning good morning good morning and I hope you have a most wonderful day.

It's beautiful out these days. The weather is perfect. Just a little cool in the morning. Birds are quiet now. I think they prefer to sing in the morning. Anyways thought about you today since I was messing around in the garden. I knew our landscaper was coming over to mulch so I sorta weeded just a little bit before he came so it wouldn't be so messy. LOL. Flowers to you!

love your black and white expressions today. bw brings some drama to the moment and not only the vibrant colors of the sunset as we all usual to see them. have a nice weekend (going to work right now 🤣🤣🤣)

I agree. I never used to believe it could, but, my apprehension for back and white has changed over the years. Seems that like everything else, it comes full circle.

Of course, my favorite is sill people and how the lack of color really exenuates their features.

Have a great day at work!

i don't know about the circle. some photographers always photographed bw, without any attention to the fashion that pulls with itself the mainstream. call them outsiders, but i think about them like classic photographers not affected by the circles of HDR, color isolation, over saturation and other stuff that is jumps to the people taking pictures attention from time to time together with the evolution of technology and different applications. Just my observation, during all the long years when i photographed BW and many friends and family members asked me why :-)
i finished my long workday and ready for another holiday :-)

You have the most holidays of anybody I know! I get it! Follow your own nose and not the trend. It makes perfect sense to go with what you like instead of what is being told you should like.

yes, not trends. some people get it as snobbism :-))) btw - my brother and my kids are the same outsiders without an official agreement to follow each other between us :-)))
actually not many - just this year all the September holidays hit the middle of weeks not like a year ago.. :-))

That's so funny. Your own son. I say you disinherit him. LOL

nope :-))))))

" he loves me, he loves me not" 🤣🤣..those are ox eyed daisies right?
They just brought back some funny childhood memories 😂

Yes they are and I can't tell you how many funny memories those things bring back! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a most wonderful day.

You too😘

Your post made me smile😊I could almost taste the ocean from your opening description. So peaceful so tranquil. The monochromatic effect removes distraction; the sea, like meditation for the soul. Nicely done🙏and the cat...I love kitties. I have 3 myself - 2 boys and a girl. I used to have 4...don't think I could ever go back to having less now 😹. My hubby and I have had 8 cats during our 22 years together. i think we'd have a houseful if we could 😻

Oh, there is such love between me and kitties. Dogs are fun, but, it is the felines that usually cozy up to me and purr until even I want to fall asleep. I have to be careful, otherwise, the house would be full.

The ocean is another true love. It is such a soul-soothing experience to face into the wind, the salt hitting my face and drying in place. I love it, I do. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words.

Have a fabulous night!

My mom loved the ocean too. She could sit for hours and just watch the waves, salt air in her face, seabreeze through her hair. I love the ocean too😍especially in the early morning or evening when the sand is cool to the touch and the beaches are quiet, but the mountains are my happy place. I always had dogs growing up and finally got a cat when I was 16. So I love both. We've told our boys that we'll consider a dog for them when they are old enough to take it for walks on their own😂Have a great weekend😊

The feeling around the ocean is always a peaceful one.

There is nothing quite like it. I might be part mermaid.

Lol... possibly

Hehehe. I'll take it!

Nice photography.

Thank you!

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@hivebuzz I am not sure I understand the delegated power?

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Thank you so much and I apologize for not thanking you earlier!

BEERHey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Thank you for the beer !

Your pictures in this post made me love the most more... beautiful piece

Not sure what you meant. The meaning was unclear to me.

Thank you for taking a moment to read and comment.

Love the pictures in the post

Thank you so much! Sorry for the confusion!

It all good.. 🌝

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 74 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!