YESSSSSSSSSSS you are definitely a put-togetherer!!!!!!!!!!
you have linked me with so many people and that's just what you do so well hehehehehe
plus , you brought us together - with your laugh, and your love and your gentle spirit, and your wild behavior. hahahaha
i dropped pics in your DM today! LOLOL go look and laugh ahahahahaha Witty says we need to do it again - and i agree!
also - i agree with your perception of all of those ladies hehehee they are beautiful and special and part of the reason why the LOH community is awesome! hehheheheh
I'm glad Saffi got your brain working! heheheh nice job @saffisara!!! LOLOLOL
love you my Snookums hehehehe
I like the new word too. It makes me laugh :D and smile.
I will go read /look at my DM's as soon as I am done killing some Orc's in my game ......
this guy is bugging me. I need to win one more game LOLL