Obeležavanje dana žena-8 mart -Celebrating Women's Day - March 8th

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Juče je bio 8 Mart Dan Zena,dan koji je priznat u svetu kao dan kad su zene stekle ravnopravnost, slobodu,pravo glasa.Na zalost nije uvek tako,jos puno treba da se radi i stalno da se borimo za to pravo.Jos uvek prilikom zapošljavanja cesto budu pitane da li planiraju decu, pa od tog odgovora im zavisi i pozicija u firmi i napredovanje.Jos uvek su potcenjivane,ima mnogo nasilja nad njima,u nekim delovima sveta nemaju nikakva prava i zavise od muskaraca.Imam sreće da ne živim u takvom svetu.U mojoj okolini žene su ravnopravne i poštovane.Taj dan se obeležava i slavi u celoj zemlji.
Organizuju se proslave po firmama,restorani su puni.
Na taj dan zene dobijaju puno poklona ali najvise cveca i cokoladica u znak postovanja.

Yesterday was March 8th, Women's Day, a day recognized in the world as a day when women gained equality, freedom, the right to vote. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, there is still a lot to do and we must constantly fight for that right. When hiring, they are often asked if they plan to have children, so their position in the company and advancement depend on that answer. They are still underestimated, there is a lot of violence against them, in some parts of the world they have no rights and depend on men. I live in such a world. In my environment, women are equal and respected. That day is celebrated and celebrated throughout the country.
Celebrations are organized by companies, restaurants are full.
On this day, women receive a lot of gifts, but most of all flowers and chocolates as a sign of respect.




Partneri rodjaci prijatelji komsije svako ko zeli i moze damama poklanjaju cvet.

Partner relatives, friends of the neighbor, everyone who wants and can give flowers to the ladies.


Deca,majkama i uciteljicama daruju cestitke i cvece.Tako su i mene obradovala moja deca.Nesto su napravila u školi sa uciteljicom a i one dve same kuci da bi obradovale svoju majku.

Children give mothers and teachers congratulations and flowers. That's how my children made me happy. They did something at school with the teacher and those two at home to make their mother happy.





U gradu ceo trg je bio pun cveca koji je brzo nestajao sa tezgama.Svi su pozurili da za dvoje drage dame nesto kupe.Prelepo,mnogobojno,predivni aranzmani,korpice od raznog cveća,sobno cveće,prolećne sadnice,pravi raj za oči.tu su se nasli i baloni i predmeti radjeni dekupazom i naravno bombone i lizalice rucno radjene.
The whole square in the city was full of flowers that quickly disappeared with stalls. Everyone hurried to buy something for two dear ladies. Beautiful, colorful, beautiful arrangements, baskets of various flowers, indoor flowers, spring seedlings, a real paradise for the eyes. there were also balloons and decoupage objects and of course handmade candies and lollipops.







Cveća se taj dan jako puno prodaje pa prodavci se dobro spreme i trljaju ruke.
Žene spremaju neko posluzenje,sok i pocaste svoje kolege i prijatelje.

Flowers are sold a lot that day, so the sellers are well prepared and rub their hands.
Women prepare some serving, juice and honor their colleagues and friends.



Pozdrav od vaše Dorike

Greetings from your Dorika


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