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RE: I hate self-promotion ... but here goes...

I promote the crap outta @ryzeonline but doing it for myself is like eh lol. So I totally know the feeling. BUT if you're gonna do it, don't say you hate it...use the negative as a positive and say something like...

"I'm totally out of my comfort zone here by self-promoting but I give tons of value and I'm hoping that y'all see that and show me some love" - this reminds them that you've left valuable comments and given them value and it makes them want to reciprocate like I'm doing with this comment 😉 and then tag the crap outta people.

You can also say something like... "I'm tagging people who I find incredibly valuable" (stroking their ego a bit) "And people who I feel find me valuable too"(reminding them you're valuable) "And tagging some of the smartest people I know" (more ego-stroking) "Cuz if you do this then I get xyz" (people love helping others) "If you don't know how to do the dream post thingy then please friend me on Discord (insert your discord here) and help me out please??? (again people love helping others). Just some suggestions from a serial Ryze promoter lol!!!

I hope that helps and if not then that's ok I'm still gonna vote for you after you explain to me how on Discord LOL.

Lots of love, Cyn


This comment is just the best hehe. Thank you, Cyn. And of course, I am more than happy to help you in discord to help me on Hive ... I still don't like all the attention haha ... but I've waded this far in now ... far beyond the tiptoeing that I'd initially intended ... 🤣 You guys do have a wonderful way with words!!! Bookmarking this 💗🙏