A big fat HELLO to all the Ladies of Hive, I thought that I'd introduce myself to you properly

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago (edited)

Well the first thing that I want to say is, that I am so honoured to be here with you guys- Ladies and am sooo happy that you have created this awesome community- #LadiesOfHive.

And now I feel complete, though I didn't know exactly what was missing, this community has definitely filled that void, so thank you so much once again, it is so nice to be here with all of you.

Anyway, My name is ChocolateScorpi and sometimes people call me Leesa- Leesa Jane if I am in trouble...Lol..🤣., though I much prefer Scorpi, chocolate, or Lees- anything really, as long as you don't call me boring!

I spent 30+ years working in all facets of Hospitality- Food and beverage was the most fun- especially as I was a serious cocktail Queen (and still love mixing things...), however front office reception and reservations is much cleaner....

Anyway, even though I was always a career oriented hospitality girl, I had my first heart attack at 38- which was a good thing, because then I had an epiphany of sorts and decided that I really wanted to help people that actually need the help.

A rare selfie of me today on my #WednesdayWalk


So I tried to get work in the medical industry after doing a few courses, but that didn't pan out and in the mean time, found employment in a non profit community media production house producing a human rights, social justice, environmental, youth and minority community current affairs show called SKA TV for 4 years.

Recovering from my heart attack (which I will talk about tomorrow night as it is very relevant to ALL females), I realised again, that even though the people that I had been helping, by being a platform for them to create awareness of their issues, thought that they had no voice- they did.

So then I created my own production company- https://www.chocolatescorpion.com did a few commissioned jobs- mainly for non-profits, so not a lot of $$$ there and created my own original and unique passion projects to be a voice for animal rights and welfare, of which I have been trying to get funding for the past 10 years to get on the air.

Now we all know that animals do actually have voices- it's just plain and simple logic and we humans can definitely hear them, cause they sound exactly the same as humans voices (just not as whiny), it's just that most humans tend to ignore those voices- and there's the problem (one of the many...) to my solutions. https://www.chocolatescorpion.com/animalis

Anyhooo, I know what my whole reason for being here is, and that is to help the animals and the environment by using my video production skills and I will never, ever stop trying to get these co-produced and broadcast. https://www.chocolatescorpion.com/animal-volunteers-abroad


And that is also how I feel about Women's issues too, which is why 10 years ago, after getting out of hospital, I teamed up with a friend of a friend, who has now become my dear Susie Q, as for the past decade I have been following her around to film an observational documentary following #MeetMyHero- genetically radical Sue Armstrong- fine artist, peer advocate as she pounds the pavement meeting with all kinds of people in the community to speak to them about supporting her campaign to get female only wards re-instated in hospitals for the safety all females in psychiatric care and I finally finished editing a 45min cut and a 5min teaser of my doco. And by the way- I've got 17 interviewees and about 34hrs worth of footage to cut down...https://www.chocolatescorpion.com/impatient

And here's a photo of mission control.

I've done everything on it, including the sound treatment on Audition- after I taught myself to do it with the help of some youtube tutorials (damn Humming airconditioners and hissing mics) and creating a music score (Garageband) and although it's far from perfect- as I had zero budget when shooting it, so no help- just me doing all cameras, sound and lighting and having been editing it on an old Imac from 2009 AND had heaps of corrupted footage, I'm pretty happy. So a last watch tomorrow for those pesky little mistakes that you always notice AFTER the export... and then onto export.

The 45 minute version is being submitted to the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System

So only a feature length and another couple of versions to edit (for festivals) and then onto my other passions- Animals, Animals and animals rights and welfare issues.

And a couple of years ago, as I was caring f/t for my beautiful Mum Lola for 9months before she died from Bowel Cancer, I created my own online shop on Redbubble, https://www.redbubble.com/people/CHOCOLATESCORPI/shop, and Fine Art America- https://fineartamerica.com/art/chocolatescorpi, started digitally massaging my own photos and uploading them to sell on their 77 products, which was fun for Mum and I to be able to do together when she was in laying in the hospital beds (a lot) and then very therapeutic for me to do when she was asleep. And something that I really haven't touched since I met #Hive and became so dedicated (distracted) (addicted..lol....🤣🤣🤣🤣..)

I missed the boat on kids and marriage and sometimes- though not very often, kind of regret that a little bit and if you've even seen the horror movie Idiocracy you'll understand why...😳🙄

And apart from LOVING COLOUR, COLOUR AND MORE COLOUR and having a HUGE sense of humour, with the deep desire to make people laugh, therefore filling them with endorphins AND burning calories, I love Chocolate. Not the expensive, too creamy, too sweet Swiss or Belgium chocolate, but plain old, actually chocolate flavoured chocolate, Cadburys chocolate.

I am a vegetarian and would be vegan, except sometimes, I eat creamy Danish Fetta and sometimes I also eat smoked Salmon and Tuna, though I really wish that I didn't, 😳😞 otherwise I practice all other vegan based philosophies and principles.

And I intend to get the #charity Community on #Hive AND hopefully a #charity Dapp with @AchimMertens, BasilMarples, @yohan2on and a few other people thriving on #Hive cause there is here so much potential to reach out and help so many people that actually need it all over the world, so if you're interested, we'd love to have your support too!

So here's a photo of my Dearest Mum (RIP my love) at #Floriade in Canberra just a few weeks before she left us.

And this was Chad- Chooky, Cheeky, Widgie.... the love of my life..

And here's (was) Snowy the funny little rat bag cat

And here's (was) my 2 beautiful, hilarious girls Thelma and Louise...

And so you have it. Me.
So once again thank you sooo much for creating this community and for having me here!!!

So I look forward to meeting you and your hero and until then, please be safe and well, and look after your family and friends as good as you look after #MotherEarth and all of her furry, scaley, hairy, feathery, wiry, soggy, slimy, tiny, enormous, hooved, clawed, webbed and padded footed children too! 🐠🐃🐌🕷🐍🐓🦆🐸🐁🐿🦋🐢🐞🦍🐈🦆🐥🐜🦑🐛🐄🦇🐪🦏🐳🐊🦀🦌🐖🐢🐏🐋🐝🐒🐙🐠🐃🐌🕷🐍🐓🦆🐸🐁🐿🦋🐢🐞🦍🐈🦆🐥🐜🦑🐛🐄🦇🐪🦏🐳🐊🦀🦌🐖🐢🐏🐋🐝🐒🐙 So #WhoIsYourHero!

And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs are my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here https://www.redbubble.com/people/CHOCOLATESCORPI/shop And here https://fineartamerica.com/art/chocolatescorpi, So please ask first if you want to use any of them thank you 😀


What a fantastic intro post, my friend! You couldn't have done it any more perfectly! ❤️

Wow I love your intro and am also a lover of animal...just subscribed to this community and I will also be sure to make my intro


So glad that you did and I can't wait for your intro!

And thanks, I'm so glad to see that you're an animal lover too- but I thought that you would be!😊

Wow ... very wow, I'm speechless after reading this very dazzling intropost. Just have to let it sinc in ... and come back later. Really a fantastic written post! I'll be back lady!

Have a great day ahead and take care!

Wow, Wow, I'm actually speechless that you think so! Thank you! 😃

I felt that it was a bit all over the shop as I was writing it, but then I thought, that's me anyway!

A lot colourful and a bit messy, even though I try to polish myself up, but 10 seconds later the frizzy hair just pops out all over the place and I just think, oh well, atleast I tried... 😁

This how we love intros! Did you ever do an intro before? Let me know if not we can do this one as a feature for Hhym

And the cats I am jealous of
Great to have you aboard

Thanks. I did an intro at my first month here with the intro tags- a fair bit different to this one too..
What is feature for Hhym mean?

Don't have my puds anymore. Miss them both soooo much and my girls.

Chad is buried in Mum's coffin on her feet to keep her company. I'm a bit jealous as he was supposed to be stuffed and sleeping on my pillow with me every night furever...😥

And thank you, so happy to be here! I've found my tribe! 😊

This is awesome! I am so glad you found your way here!

This, my dear, is what they call an intro! How could you have doubted yourself for one second! It makes me want to know more about you. I admire anyone who is so dedicated to a cause, it doesn't even have to be a cause that is near and dear to my heart, it is more the devotion of righting a wrong, or perhaps even taking care of those unable to make it happen for themselves. Like animals.

I love your kitties! (I always thought I was a dog person until I met a cat) I look forward to reading more of you!

Upped and Reposted


Wow, thank you so much @dswigle, I really appreciate that!

And I just simply want to help all of the really, truly dedicated people that are actually on the front line of animal protection and preservation, like the IAPF- International Anti poaching Foundation, Soi Dogs and and ADI- Animal Defenders International, WSPA, Sea Shepherd and all of those other selfless people that donate their whole lives to animal protection and preservation....

If I could be with them I would, but how does one decide which campaign to support when there are just so many, which is why I created Animalis, so through the lens of my cameras and conducting so many interviews on both sides of the fence, I can present a fair and balanced report to the masses, so then they get get all of the information and decide for themselves. and when most people know the truth of the matter, then they will **usually make the right decisions. and in making sure that this program is as fair and balanced as possible, then those that are usually in the wrong always tend to....well, give them enough rope...

And then hopefully, this sort of program will not only change minds, but also change laws and legislation, which will in the end, help all of those ground zero organisations.

I am all animal person and I've even been thinking about getting a pet rat lately, as I don't really want to have dogs or cats in an apt...I think that's a bit cruel, they need to be able to get out in the backyard and get fresh air and exercise at any time they want and not just when I'm at home to take them for a walk.

And at least rats you can take them with you....but then hopefully I'll be back at work soon in my opshop...so..

anyway, thanks so much for the lovely response and I won't bore you any further, but I look forward to speaking again with you soon.

:) You didn't bore me at all. My sister in law is even more involved in it than you are. I am used to it and m happy there are so many dedicated people that take care of the animals.

God bless you.

Thank you and you too!
Wow, cool, what does your SIL do with animals???

She was a vet tech, animal rescue and she ends up with all sorts of animals because she cannot give them up!!! She has 6 peacocls, 100 chickens, 7 dogs, 2 cats, a pig, 2 horses, fish, birds, and various other pets... Oi!!!

OMG I want to come and live with her!!! 😃😃😃

Yeah one day- when I find some time and $$$, I want to study to become a vet so during my retirement, I will be able to do nothing but travel around the world and volunteer in a range of animal sanctuaries utilising my vet skills.

I mean there's nothing wrong with feeding the animals and cleaning out their poop, but I would prefer to be able to actually save them when needed...😊

🎁 Hi @chocolatescorpi! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: You'Re Beautiful Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Oh, I'm such a sucker for Cat and kitten photos. Welcome to Ladies of Hive!

And thank you, I am already loving being here! 😊

You look like my colorful kind of peoples ! 🙂

What an interesting life you have going there.

Haa thank you!

If you love colour, then welcome to me cause I am bursting with it! 😄

Wow, what an intro, so glad to meet you @chocolatescorpi! You certainly are an interesting & colourful lady, just looove the bright colours. Thelma & Louise remind me of my inlaws who kept chickens, originally for eggs and the pot, but the last two died of old age and never made it to the pot as they became like pets so were buried in the garden;)
Wish you well with your many varied projects, please keep on blogging and telling us about it!
So sad about your Mom, but what a lovely photograph!

Ohh..... the pot....Oh right- that's what I saved them from! And the funny thing is, I couldn't eat their eggs- it just felt too weird and I don't think I've eaten an egg since (stinky farts too...😳😳😳)

I thought that you were going to say that they reminded you of your inlaws...🤣...

Thank you I will and infact just had a brilliant meeting with @AchimMertens from Germany, @BasilMarples from London and @yohan2on2 who coaches kids Tennis in Uganda about creating a charity dApp on the Hive as well as building the charity community in Peakd, so we can utilise the unlimited potential that the Hive has to help more people around the world, so more wonderful projects on the drawing board.

Suggestions and help are always welcome in the Charity community here too! 😀

Thanks for saying about mum, but atleast she fought- short but valiant and atleast we live in a country that gave her free access to the medical care (Medicare) to fight...so she was lucky in that respect, so much luckier than so many other people around the world.

And that's what happens when a 75yr old woman somehow is missed for an over 50's bowel cancer test kit every year by her GP- for 25yrs...😡 And what was even worse, she lived in a small country town and was of the generation that did not like to make waves, so felt too ashamed to go and get a second opinion cause she thought that he would find out.....

She took me to see him once when I was 12. I told her to never take me too him again, cause even at 12 I knew that he was an idiot.

And I love to rock the boat (even when I have no intentions of it, I still accidentally do...) but that the only way things change.

And yes, My personal favourite surrounded by all those beautiful flowers too.

Anyway, I won't bore you any longer but look forward to speaking with you again real soon.

In the meantime, thanks so much for reading my blog and take care and stay safe.

I totally agree with helping any animal You can!

Absolutely! After all, we help our fellow human beings and animals are living, breathing, feeling beings too, with absolutely no difference to us.

You know,
I "Really Like" that You said that!
Recently, I saw some kittens being born and watched them grow up...
I noticed especially in the early weeks if their life, how they had identical mannerisms as human babies would have.
I pondered the idea that as mammals (maybe everything else too) we come to this reality as "consciousness & awareness", nothing more.
We grow into the role, dictated by the "body" we find ourselves in here.
These thoughts have made Me think about life in general a bit more deeply, though I have always been a deep respecter of life - all of it!
Oh well enough of that,
You Have an Awesome Evening!
And Mist Blessed Monday!