The power to laugh out loud and familiar favourite |El poder de reírnos a carcajadas y familiar favorito LOH # 221

El poder de reirnos english.jpg

In English

Greetings friends of the #LadiesofHive community, with this week's edition, where we are invited to reflect with questions from our dear @ifarmgirl, here is my participation:

1.When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried or had a tummy ache? Why?

The last time I laughed so hard my jaws hurt was a couple of months ago when we went out to eat, sing, listen to music and drink with some friends, even though it had been a month since my daughter's birthday, that day in the middle of the live music in the restaurant, one of the singers asked who had a birthday and it seems we had agreed to tell her my daughter.

And so we started to laugh because the entertainers of the place started to celebrate her birthday again, they danced, one of them imitated a stripper, even the man who waited on the table was hilarious, also trying to imitate the stripper's dance.

Those of us who seek help in personal growth know that laughter is a key figure in the recovery of personal power and in the opening for socialisation.

Laughter identifies us as humans, and brings us closer to others. Laughing helps us to understand that life is too serious to live with a frown or a clenched jaw.

Laughter is the drug of happiness, it relieves us from stressful situations, it fights toxic emotions, it stimulates our self-esteem, it enhances our creative side, it encourages us to undertake new alternatives to solve everyday problems, and it teaches us about ourselves, because the more I allow myself to laugh at myself, the more I will be able to accept myself as I am: a woman, with strengths and weaknesses.

Laughing is a choice that is within reach, at the same level as ‘suffering’; at every moment you have the freedom to choose how to feel about the events that happen, perhaps you think it is very difficult to smile with everything that happens in the world, but let's stop thinking and just do it.

Just laugh, starting in the morning when you look in the mirror, and recognise a new wrinkle on your face, or the curve of your nose that you dislike, or the faded hair colour.

Laugh with the biggest of smiles and discover the excitement that this simple fact unleashes throughout the day, as it will be your passport to a day full of vitality.

Remember that laughter is an excellent ally of good health, it generates endorphins, hormones of happiness, combats muscular tension, strengthens the immune system, oxygenates the blood, stimulates our senses, predisposes us for action, relieves tension, anxiety and restores your beauty.

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2. Do you have a favourite family member? If so, who is he/she and what makes your relationship special?

When I had my only daughter, I understood that life and time gave me a 360-degree turn, it meant giving all my heart, drawing my strength every day to guide her forward, with the impulse to be mothers, to give her unconditional love, to teach her to live and to become a good person.

Today I am proud that my little girl, now a woman, gives me her love, her company, she is a serious girl in her character and when she gains confidence and you win her affection, she is very funny and you can spend hours chatting with her without getting bored.

Particularly with my progressive hearing loss, my daughter has helped me a lot, she has been my strength, she has been there to accompany me, to look for medical appointments, when I have to go to the ENT, both financially and emotionally, she always reminds me that health is the most important thing for the wellbeing of both of us.

I thank God for the blessing of having her with me, that she is my daughter and I am her mother.

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The designs and images in canva
The pictures in my gallery taken from my Honor Magic6 phone and edited in canva
Translated with (free version).

El poder de reirnos spanish.jpg

En Español

Saludos amigos de la comunidad #LadiesofHive, con la edición que nos traen esta semana, donde nos invitan a reflexionar con las preguntas de nuestra estimada @ifarmgirl, a continuación les presento mi participación:

1.¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te reíste tanto que lloraste o te dolió la panza? ¿Por qué?

La última vez que me reí mucho hasta dolerme las mandíbulas fue hace un par de meses cuando salimos a comer, cantar, escuchar música y beber con unas amigas, aunque ya había pasado un mes que mi hija había cumplido años, ese día en medio de la música en vivo que había en el restaurant, una de los cantantes preguntó quién estaba de cumpleaños y parece que nos hubiéramos puesto de acuerdo para indicarle que mi hija.

Y así comenzamos a reírnos porque los animadores del local comenzaron a festejarle nuevamente el cumpleaños, la bailaron, uno de ellos hacía imitación de stripper, hasta el señor que nos atendía la mesa era comiquísimo, también intentando imitar el baile de stripper.

Quienes buscamos ayuda en el crecimiento personal, sabemos que la risa es una figura clave en la recuperación del poder personal y en la apertura para la sociabilización.

Es que la risa nos identifica como humanos, y nos acerca a los demás, reír, nos ayuda a entender que la vida es demasiada seria como para vivir con el ceño fruncido o la mandíbula cerrada.

La risa es la droga de la felicidad, que nos alivia frente a las situaciones de estrés, combate las emociones tóxicas, estimula nuestra autoestima, pondera nuestro lado creativo, nos impulsa a emprender nuevas alternativas para resolver los problemas cotidianos, y nos enseña sobre nosotras mismas, porque cuanto más me permito reírme de mí misma, mayor será mi capacidad de aceptarme tal cual soy: una mujer, con fortalezas y debilidades.

Reír es una elección que está al alcance de la mano, a la misma altura del “sufrir”, a cada momento tienes la libertad de elegir como sentirte frente a los hechos que se suceden, quizás pienses que es muy difícil sonreír con todo lo que ocurre en el mundo, pero dejemos de pensar y simplemente hagámoslo.

Simplemente ríe, comienza por las mañanas cuando te miras al espejo, y reconoce en tu rostro una nueva arruga, o la curva de tu nariz que te disgusta, o el tinte del cabello descolorido.

Ríete con la mayor de las sonrisas, y descubre la emoción que ese simple hecho desata en el transcurso del día, ese será el pasaporte para una jornada plena de vitalidad.

Recuerda que la risa es una excelente aliada de la buena salud, genera endorfinas, hormonas de la felicidad, combate las tensiones musculares, refuerza el sistema inmunológico, oxigena la sangre, estimula nuestros sentidos, nos predispone para la acción, alivia las tensiones, la angustia, la ansiedad y te devuelve la belleza.

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2.¿Tienes un familiar favorito? Si es así, ¿quién es y qué hace que vuestra relación sea especial?

Cuando tuve a mi única hija, pude entender que la vida y el tiempo me dio un giro de 360 grados, significa dar todo mi corazón, sacar mis fuerzas cada día para guiarla hacia adelante, con el impulso de ser madres, de entregar ese amor incondicional, enseñarle a vivir y que se haga una persona de bien.

Hoy en día es para mí un orgullo que mi niña, ya hecha toda una mujer, me brinda su amor, su compañía, es una chica seria en su carácter y que además cuando toma confianza y te ganas su cariño, es muy divertida y puedes pasar horas conversando con ella sin aburrirte.

Particularmente con mi tema de pérdida auditiva progresiva, mi hija me ha ayudado mucho, ella ha sido mi fortaleza, pendiente de acompañarme, de buscar las citas médicas, cuando debo ir al control con el otorrino, tanto en la parte económica como sentimental, ella siempre me recuerda que la salud es lo más importante para el bienestar de ambas.

Doy gracias a Dios por la bendición de tenerla conmigo, de que es mi hija y yo soy su madre.

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Los diseños y las imágenes en Canva.
Las fotografías en mi galería tomadas de mi teléfono Honor Magic6 y editadas en canva
Traducido con (versión gratuita).

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Laughing is a choice that is within reach

!LADYThat's a truly insightful perspective, @cautiva-30! Choosing to laugh and find joy, despite the chaos and challenges in the world, is indeed a powerful and empowering approach to life. It reminds me of the saying: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." 🌧️ Finding moments of happiness and humor, even in tough times, can make a big difference in our overall well-being. It doesn't mean ignoring the hardships but rather finding a way to cope and thrive despite them. So, here's to choosing laughter and spreading positivity! Let's bring some smiles to our day, @cautiva-30 . 😊

!PIZZAThat's right my dear @silversaver888, in difficult situations we must look for those moments of joy, thank you very much for your visit and beautiful comment full of that nice reflection, I'll keep it ‘Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain’ and I love it, get my hug with love,

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Laughter is definitely healing, besides being contagious, how nice that you have your daughter, beautiful relationship and beautiful publication.

That's right, laughter is an ally for health, thank you very much friend for your nice comment, I appreciate it very much,

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cautiva-30 tipped silversaver888
cautiva-30 tipped ifarmgirl @cautiva-30 tipped @cris01

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Muchas gracias @hivebuzz

De nada @cautiva-30 🌹

PS: Esperamos recibir su apoyo para nuestra nueva propuesta. 🙂⏳


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Thank you very much

Laughing is a choice that is within reach,

This is very true. It's a matter of perspective as they say. Laughter brings many benefits, especially to our well-being.

Your daughter is a darling and it's awesome that she reminds you to prioritize your health.

That's right friend, although we also have some differences, but she supports me a lot, thank you very much for your visit and comment and for bringing us these questions to reflect on,

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@cautiva-30, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @ifarmgirl and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/11 calls)

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@sacra97, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @cautiva-30 and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (3/9 calls)

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Thank you very much my dear friend @sacra97

Reir es una de las mejores medicinas de la vida, que lindo verte aprovechar de poder curativo de sonreír y lo mejor acompañada de buena compañía.
Feliz día

Thank you very much for your visit and nice comment,

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@cautiva-30, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @cris01 and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (6/11 calls)

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