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RE: When was the last time you went out of your comfort zone, and what did you accomplish? Good day, I'm from Ukraine!

So sorry for the fact some lunatic is causing the war and so much situations you dont want to be in. The only thing i can say is stay safe and i hope that the war will be over soon.
The BRIT food i use for my dogs aswell so thats a coincidence.
From me a 100 % vote for you and the effort
Thank you for the insight in the country and your living situation , and your honesty and YOUR entry this week to the contest i am judging this week, I hope you had fun with the questions, i know i have had that reading it. See you in the comments or in the community 1
Good luck and see you again in the community


Thank you so much for your comment and support. This BRIT food is the only one that does not cause allergies in my dog.
I really liked the question and wanted to share my story so that others could see that even in such a case you can live peacefully and you don't need to be afraid of any challenges that exist in the world.
I will definitely join the next contests if there is something to write :) thanks again!