. 1/2 meters of polyester fabric.
. Needle, thread, scissors
. About 3 meters of lace.
. Jewelery that you don't use (for the belt)
For this project I was completely guided by the instructions to make a short communion dress from the blog:
This was because I have been sewing and knitting all my life by eye, I am not used to making patterns. But I wanted to illustrate in detail so that you understand me:
OK let's get started: for the top of the dress I used this simple pattern of the front and back consecutively:
In the upper part, I basically cut 2 rectangles of about 20 cm long by 6 cm wide, I knitted them by hand and then I sewed lace on the edge and finally I turned the blouse back by creasing the fabric.
The skirt consists of a 30 cm rectangle. high and 8 cm. wide, plus seam allowances.
Cut and confection:
✂ Cut in double fabric and in the lining the front, which matches the central edge of the same with the fold of the fabric. Then you cut it on the fabric.
Now the contour of the neckline is measured and the lace is gathered to measure.
Photo of the socket and the body of the dress, I used one that I had at home (the socket) , the ideal is to use a thinner one for the upper part and a wider one for the lower part.
Sew the lace to the neckline facing the right.
Measure around the cuff and gather the lace slightly to sew it to the edge of the cuff. The union of the same you do the same as in the sleeve.
Facing the rights, sew the lace around the edges before creasing.
So more or we see the skirt will be seen before sewing it.
💕Tips: if you don't have a sewing machine (I did all this by hand) you can use fabric glue or silicone.
I finished off my design with a belt made from an old necklace. And on her head I made a headdress by gathering her hair with a tail and adorning with feathers.
💕Tip: In my case this dress is for this project, my first publication in @hive but if your case is something temporary, it is not necessary to sew the dress to the doll and thus we avoid damaging it with silicone or glue and even with the same needle and thread.
I had a lot of fun making this little dress, apart from learning that it's not a doll, it's an amiragumi. haha.
. Materiales:
. 1/2 metros de tela poliester.
. Aguja, hilo, tijera
. Unos 3 metros de encaje.
. Bisutería que no utilices (para el cinturón)
Para éste proyecto me guié completamente por las instrucciones para hacer un vestido de comunión corto del blog 🔗
Esto se debió a que que he cosido y tejido toda mi vida a ojo, no acostumbro a hacer patrones. Pero quise ilustrarles al detalle para que me entiendan:
OK comencemos: para la parte de arriba del vestido utilicé éste patrón sencillo de la parte delantera y trasera consecutivamente:
En la parte superior básicamente corte 2 rectángulos de unos 20 cmts de largo por 6 cmts de ancho, los bastié a mano y luego les cosí encaje en el borde y finalmente en volví la blusita arruchando la tela.
La falda consiste en un rectángulo de 30 cm. de alto y 8 cm. de ancho, más márgenes de costura.
Corte y confección:
✂ Corta en tela doble y en el forro el delantero, que coincida el borde central del mismo con el doblez de la tela. Luego lo cortas en la tela. 🔗
Ahora se mide el contorno del escote y se frunce el encaje a medida.
foto del encaje y del cuerpecito del vestido, yo utilicé uno que tenía en casa, (encaje) lo ideal es usar uno más fino para la parte superior y otro más ancho para la parte inferior
Cose el encaje al escote por el lado derecho.
Mide el contorno de la bocamanga y frunce el encaje ligeramente para coserlo al borde de la misma. La unión del mismo la haces igual que en la manga.
Volteando La costura por el lado derecho, cose el encaje en los bordes antes de arruchar.
Así más o vemos se verá la falda antes de coserla.
💕Tips: si no tienes máquina de coser (yo hice todo ésto a mano) puedes usar pegamento para tela o silicón.
Yo rematé mi diseño con un cinturón hecho de un collar viejo. Y en la cabeza le hice un tocado recogiéndole el cabello con una cola y adornando con plumas.
💕Tip: En mi caso éste vestido es para éste proyecto, mi primera publicación en @hive pero si tu caso es algo temporal, no es necesario coser el vestido a la muñequita y así evitamos dañarla con silicón o pegamento e inclusive con la misma aguja e hilo.
A última hora se me ocurrió la idea de confeccionar le un tapabocas :
Me divertí muchísimo haciendo éste vestidito, aparte de aprender que no es una muñeca, es una amiragumi. jaja.
Este post fué traducido con Google translator y las imágenes originales fueron tomadas con mi Samsung A10.
Thankyou so much for Reading Me 💕
Thank you for sharing with us!
I will try it!
here. Feel free to tag me with the introductory post.Hello @bedarg. This is @gentleshaid from the @ocd team. Welcome to the hive blockchain and congratulations on making your first post. As a form of tradition, though optional, new users make an introductory post to introduce themselves to the community, what they do, where they are from, how they made it down here, and any other information about themselves they are willing to share. A typical introductory post can be found
Since your content is about making dresses, you might want to check out and probably subscribe to the needlework community on hive where you can share your works, get supports, and interact with like minds. Once again, welcome to the hive blockchain.