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RE: The experiences and achievements that this year 2022 has left me with 📌❤️ || Ladies of Hive Community Contest #110✨[ESP-ENG]

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Honestly sweet heart, you took the right decision going back home. True sometimes parents could be annoying but if you get to listen to them the better it is. I went to look for a job somewhere against my parent wish. Guess what, I didn't get the job I actually had to listen to my mum when she said I should apply for the job somewhere she likes and I got choosen. I can rember when the bible says: children obey your parent in the lord, for it's right it's good to obey ours so our own children will be of obiedience to us.
Thanks for sharing.


Wow, I really connected a lot with your words and I thank you for quoting me that part of the bible, today I see things from another point of view and the important thing is that I could learn from all this. Thanks to you for taking the time to read my post. By the way, I'm glad you were finally able to get the job where your mother told you to get it ❤️