Desde hace 4 años formo parte de Rotaract la parte de "adultos jóvenes" de Rotary international y planeo seguir en esta organización por mucho tiempo pues creo fielmente en sus valores, simentados en la amistad a traves del servicio. Esta premisa de Rotary me gusto desde el principio "amistad", los miembros de rotary no son solo voluntarios, nuestros clubes se preocupan por forjar lazos de amistad duraderos, los rotaractianos o rotarios estamos ahi para los otros como si de una familia se tratara.
Asimismo, otra parte que me agrado cuando empece a unirme a la organizacion es que no solo iba a servir, sino tambien a recibir pero no de manera mezquina sino para poder servir de mejor manera. En este sentido, desde que estoy en mi club hemos recibido capacitaciones en: violencia basada en genero, empoderamiento, paz positiva, abordaje de comunidades, primeros auxilios psicológicos, entre muchos otros tópicos que nos sirven de herramientas a los rotaractianos para poder abordar y servir en las comunidades de una manera mas optima, aprendimos a planificarnos y no solo hacer labor asistencial sino a visitar las mismas comunidades con regularidad para hacer cambios significativos.
Otra de las razones por las que me gusta Rotary es que sus areas de interes: cuidado del medio ambiente, salud y erradicacion de enfermedades, sanemiento del agua, fomento de la paz, fomento de la educacion y fomento de las economias locales abarcan muchos aspectos distintos, entonces siempre hacemos actividades de distinto indole. Por ejemplo, este año hemos organizado jornadas de vacunacion, hecho actividades con niños pequeños, donado libros, sembrado arboles, donado implementos a hospitales, alimentado a personas y animalitos en estado de necesidad y encuentro eso muy bueno porque asi abarcamos diferentes aspectos de la comunidad que necesitan ser atentidos.
Tambien me gusta mucho que ademas de las avenidas de servicio, tenemos campañas y meses tematicos como la de empoderamiento de niñas o promocion de la salud mental, entonces siempre tenemos no solo ideas sino una poblacion específica a la cual dirigir nuestros esfuerzos. Es por esto que Rotary es mi organización de caridad favorita y a donde dirijo gran parte de mi tiempo y esfuerzos.
For 4 years I have been part of Rotaract, the "young adults" part of Rotary international and I plan to continue in this organization for a long time because I faithfully believe in its values, based on friendship through service. This premise of Rotary I liked from the beginning "friendship", Rotary members are not only volunteers, our clubs are concerned about forging lasting friendships, Rotaractors or Rotarians are there for each other as if it were a family.
Also, another part that I liked when I started joining the organization is that I was not only going to serve, but also to receive but not in a mean way but to be able to serve in a better way. In this sense, since I have been in my club we have received training in: gender-based violence, empowerment, positive peace, approaching communities, psychological first aid, among many other topics that serve as tools for Rotaractors to approach and serve in the communities in a more optimal way, we learned to plan and not only do welfare work but to visit the same communities regularly to make significant changes.
Another reason I like Rotary is that its areas of focus - environmental stewardship, health and disease eradication, water sanitation, peace-building, education, and local economic development - encompass many different aspects, so we are always doing different kinds of activities. For example, this year we have organized vaccination days, done activities with small children, donated books, planted trees, donated implements to hospitals, fed people and animals in need and I find that very good because we cover different aspects of the community that need to be attended.
I also like that in addition to the avenues of service, we have campaigns and theme months such as girls empowerment or mental health promotion, so we always have not only ideas but a specific population to target. This is why Rotary is my favorite charity and where I direct a lot of my time and efforts.
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tokens.@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @andr3apat1no and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (7/30 calls)
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i also love things like this that gives to the community, you are doing a good work here
You have such a big heart!
Thank you😇
Kudos to your club and all of you for doing the things you do. I love that it cultivates friendships and many others. May it grow bigger and better to help and empower more people.
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tokens.@ifarmgirl, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @andr3apat1no and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (7/21 calls)
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This is pure humanity, as you are giving out you are also gaining and improving on your self, learning and adding values
In this weeks contest
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tokens.@brittandjosie, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @andr3apat1no and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/17 calls)
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