in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)


I chose to answer this question

1️⃣ What is your favorite musical instrument and why? Do you know how to play it? If not, do you think there are limits to learning to play it? By @irenenavarroart


Image is mine

It is such a beauty holding a wooden musical instrument with a long neck like that of an ostrich (hehe) with strings attached around its neck. I am describing my beloved guitar.

The guitar is my favorite musical instrument, I developed this deep affection for the guitar because of how it adds melody, harmony, and rhythm to music coupled with the fact that my favorite Nigerian-French artist is a guitarist, the person of Aṣa. I love how her hands work effortlessly on this beauty called a guitar, how she wouldn't need too many of musical instruments, to perform the best music and how it adds beauty to her song.

My favorite guitarist performing at Franco Folies


With a guitar sound, you can get inspired instantly on a song to sing to, it's easy to perform live with a guitar either with a band or just you alone. A guitar is a versatile musical instrument and I guess it brings a smile to the listener and pleasures the guitarist.

I remember singing and playing an imaginary guitar, you know how you move your hands in the air, like it's actually on a string, that feeling is priceless if you've ever tried it. Hehe.

We had this get-together sometime in 2017 at a resort, fortunately, a friend of mine who happens to be a guitarist came along with his guitar, and my heart leaped for joy because yes, I can finally feel my favorite instrument, that was my favorite fun trip ever.


He taught me how to play the "d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d" and "d-t-l-s-f-m-r-d" keys, we practiced a few times and I mastered it, then I sang while he played the strings, and I started to feel like my favorite Nigerian-French Artist "Aṣa".

I had to capture the moment and guess what, the guitar was in my possession that day until the day was over, I didn't want to let go of it(covers face).

This leads to the next question, Do I know how to play it?

Partially, I can play just a little with a little error here and there, (winks)
I have begged my friend to teach me how to play it perfectly, but he is such a busy person.
Well, I decided to enroll in a musical academy, but..... Story for another day.
However, I dream of the day I can play the guitar perfectly alongside my favorite songs.

Are there limits to learning to play it?

No, there can never be a limit to learning what we love to do, learning is a lifelong process, but it might only be challenging due to some factors, however, determination, zeal, and commitment will be the force to learn it and on this note, I promise that God's willing before the end of 2023, I would be a guitarist, it is now part of my goals for next year, can we have a drink to that? Hehe

Thank you for stopping by, I am Amie Geoffrey.


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1️⃣ ¿Cuál es tu instrumento musical favorito y por qué? ¿Sabe tocarlo? Si no es así, ¿crees que hay límites para aprender a tocarlo? Por @irenenavarroart


La imagen es mía
Es una belleza sostener un instrumento musical de madera con un cuello largo como el de un avestruz (jeje) con cuerdas atadas alrededor del cuello. Estoy describiendo mi amada guitarra.

La guitarra es mi instrumento musical favorito, desarrollé este profundo afecto por la guitarra debido a cómo añade melodía, armonía y ritmo a la música junto con el hecho de que mi artista nigeriano-francés favorito es un guitarrista, la persona de Aṣa. Me encanta cómo sus manos trabajan sin esfuerzo en esta belleza llamada guitarra, cómo no necesita demasiados instrumentos musicales para interpretar la mejor música y cómo añade belleza a sus canciones.


Mi guitarrista favorito actuando en Franco Folies

Con el sonido de una guitarra, puedes inspirarte al instante en una canción para cantar, es fácil actuar en directo con una guitarra, ya sea con una banda o tú solo. La guitarra es un instrumento musical muy versátil y supongo que provoca una sonrisa en el oyente y un placer en el guitarrista.

Recuerdo haber cantado y tocado una guitarra imaginaria, ya sabes que mueves las manos en el aire, como si estuviera realmente en una cuerda, esa sensación no tiene precio si lo has probado alguna vez. Jeje.

Tuvimos esta reunión en algún momento de 2017 en un resort, afortunadamente, un amigo mío que resulta ser guitarrista vino con su guitarra, y mi corazón saltó de alegría porque sí, finalmente puedo sentir mi instrumento favorito, ese fue mi viaje de diversión favorito.


Me enseñó a tocar las teclas "d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d" y "d-t-l-s-f-m-r-d", practicamos unas cuantas veces y lo dominé, luego canté mientras él tocaba las cuerdas, y empecé a sentirme como mi artista nigeriano-francés favorito "Aṣa".

Tuve que capturar el momento y adivina qué, la guitarra estuvo en mi poder ese día hasta que terminó, no quería soltarla(cubre la cara).

Esto nos lleva a la siguiente pregunta, ¿sé tocarla?
Parcialmente, puedo jugar un poco con un pequeño error aquí y allá, (guiños)
Le he rogado a mi amigo que me enseñe a tocarlo perfectamente, pero es una persona muy ocupada.
Bueno, decidí inscribirme en una academia musical, pero..... Historia para otro día.
Sin embargo, sueño con el día en que pueda tocar la guitarra perfectamente junto a mis canciones favoritas.

¿Hay límites para aprender a tocarla?
No, nunca puede haber un límite para aprender lo que nos gusta hacer, el aprendizaje es un proceso que dura toda la vida, pero sólo puede ser un reto debido a algunos factores, sin embargo, la determinación, el celo y el compromiso será la fuerza para aprenderlo y en esta nota, prometo que si Dios quiere antes de finales de 2023, sería un guitarrista, ahora es parte de mis objetivos para el próximo año, ¿podemos tomar una copa por eso? Hehe

Gracias por pasar por aquí, soy Amie Geoffrey.


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Other than my acoustic Washboard, I swing a mean Fender Squire electric guitar myself in my time, played folk and classical acoustic guitar too. Each has a different action an feel to them. Great fun playing as a group and you get an appreciation of the Masters of the guitar.
Thanks for sharing @amiegeoffrey

Thanks for stopping by @kerrislravenhill

It's good that your friend taught you how to play and hope you'll be able to play again.

singing and playing an imaginary guitar, you know how you move your hands in the air,

I hear ya :) I often do that myself while I sing loudly, lol!


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Hehe, I guess we all play the imaginary guitar. Thanks for stopping by.

The feeling of being able to play some chords on the guitar is very good because it allows you to accompany the songs. Thank you for participating in the Contest


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It is a very beautiful feeling, thank you for stopping by @irenenavarroart

Greetings @amiegeoffrey, how nice your friend taught you to play guitar, it is also my favorite instrument and I have a nephew who knows how to play it , I enjoy the chords and melodies when he rehearses his songs.


Sounds great @belkyscabrera , thank you for stopping by.