Help me improve my 3D printing ebook?

in 3D Printing3 years ago


It's time for me to update my 3D Printing Guide and I am hoping you can help me in return for a free copy.

Well, in truth, two free copies I guess?

What is all this about?

A few years ago I published the first edition of my 3D printing book, which sold quite well for the time (it was cheap, some influencers promoted it, and there wasn't much competition)

Then I made a series of mistakes, the biggest being moving from platform to platform (I made it into a 3D printing workshop which meant moving off of Gumroad) and letting the content get stale.

Even with a couple of updates, it is now a good couple of years behind. Heck, it still describes resin printing as expensive which is not really true today!

3D Printing has changed

Since I first got into 3D printing a decade ago, things have moved ahead quite a bit. 3D printers no longer feature fishing line and plywood quite as much for a start!

I find now people are much more likely to want to make specific things with their 3D printers, especially tabletop minis and props, but also practical things.

Back in the day, 3D printing was almost a hobby in itself, now it supplements many other hobbies.


Where you come in!

In return for a copy of the PDF, I would love it if you could tell me the most important parts of what you find missing.

Here is a list of the currently planned additions:

  • Comparing 3D printing to CNC Milling and Laser Cutting
  • MSLA resin workflow
  • Repairing 3D Prints
  • Painting and finishing
  • Customizing 3D Models
  • Repairing 3D Models
  • Basic 3D CAD
  • Basic 3D Sculpting


I know I have a lot of work to do, and I could even publish the parts I add right here on the Hive blockchain so I produce out in the open (talk about accountability), but first I need some guidance as to what folks are looking for now there is a lot more competition in the space.

Of course, when the next edition is done, you will get a copy of that too as a thank you!.

Hive Experiment

I think I might even be able to send you the existing document using Hive ... perhaps as an encrypted memo?

Does anyone have any thoughts on that?

Hive Pay

Another thing I have been looking at is perhaps selling the ebook via Hive Pay.

I don't think they have a "pay what you can" option but I could make the Hive price less than the USD price to incentivize people to pay with crypto to offset the up and down rollercoaster that is Hive currently. Just an idea for now :)

Please reply and let me know what you think in the comments because I trust you folks to guide me in the right direction!


Guau, escribir un libro es un gran logro pero es verdad que no actualizarlo es un gran problema, mas con el tema de impresión 3D que todos los días avanza. Mis problemas principales cuando me inicie fueron saber los nombres de las piezas, cada vez que tenia que comprar repuestos era un problema, también tenia problemas con el laminador y los parámetros que debía usar en mi maquina aunque eso es un mundo porque cada maquina puede tener parámetros muy específicos. El apartado del que hablas de post procesado me parece genial, siempre es bien recibido algunos tips para lijar o pintar, ayuda mucho a la gente que tiene que hacer maquetas o trabajos personalizados.
El apartado de programas para modelar es infinito pero me parece muy bien mencionar algunos programas para que la gente que lo lea se entere del abanico de posibilidades y que luego por su lado investiguen y vean con que programa se sienten mas cómodos.
Algo que hago en mi instagram comercial de impresiones es dar tips de cosas simples que me pasaron y como las solucione, tengo mucha gente que cuenta con impresoras y me sigue, asi que eso les es de mucha utilidad.
Te dejo los tips que anote a lo largo del tiempo:

Extruir algunos centímetros de filamento cuando cambias de color, para purgar la boquilla

Calentar la boquilla y la cama para nivelar. Si queda material pegado en el nozzle puede interrumpir la nivelación

Guardar los filamentos en bolsas para que no les agarre humedad . Si podes utiliza las bolsitas de sílice para evitar la humedad.

Si recién empezas, pregunta mucho, mira tutoriales y trabaja con piezas chicas, asi si fallas, no perdes mucho material.

Colocar bien los clips de agarre de la cama asi la boquilla no choca con estos.

Informate bien sobre las capacidades de tu impresora antes de imprimir

Tomarse un buen tiempo para nivelar la cama te puede ahorrar muchas fallas y obstrucciones en el futuro.

Sacar la base de impresión para colocar el fijador, de esta manera los ventiladores duran mas tiempo limpios.

No imprimas muchas piezas a la vez, es mejor pender una sola a que perder todo un lote por un fallo.

Dedicarle un poco mas de tiempo a la visualización previa del laminador, ver los soportes, las parede y el relleno. Te podes ahorar muchos problemas observando un poco mas

Sounds like an interesting project ! I think your biggest problem is likely to be knowing when to stop; it's such a huge field you could easily run to hundreds of pages.

Of the items you listed, I'd say finishing and painting is probably the most interesting (although painting itself is a huge topic, particularly if you're looking at tabletop miniatures).

I feel that the repairing / customising / basic sculpting parts are all very closely related, but you have a choice of being really generic about it, which might end up being useless, or having to pick specific software packages a slicer or two, Meshmixer or Blender etc) and describe how to use them. That runs the risk of either being a cut down instruction manual for the software, or not much use to people using other tools, as well as needing editing every time there's a software update. Perhaps a series of general pointers and tips is the best that could be done.

A section that could also be added (if it isn't there already) are flowchart troubleshooting guides to FDM and SLA printers, identifying the most common symptoms, the various causes (and how to narrow down which one is the actual problem) and how to solve them.

God luck !

Nice job, man!
You can include a part where you explain the main differences of the different types of 3D printers: FDM and resin.

Yep that is in there :)

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I would be interested in reading the book. Several years ago I built a PrintrBot Simple kit. I never took the time to really getting the software and the hardware properly setup to be able to print. Would your book help with that, I am not into the art side of 3D printing ie painting and finishing.

Maybe, I did have a Printrbot Simple Metal that I built and upgraded over time :) Other than the funky layout compared to usual (the X axis moves left and right) it is pretty standard
