I decided to do an article on Cheetah because I feel such an article will help Newbies to Steemit understand what Cheetah is (a bot), why it’s bad (it hurts your reputation and costs you money) and how to avoid getting up votes or down votes from Cheetah which causes your reputation to go down and some people won’t up vote your posts, thus it can cost you money.
What is Cheetah
Cheetah is commonly defined as a “bot” defined as “a software program that performs a certain function” that might comment on your post.
Why does Cheetah comment on your post?
This “bot” Cheetah will claim that she found similar content else on the web. This suggests you copied someone else’s work and pasted it into your blog article, which is usually considered plagiarism.
What did I do wrong
This is usually because you copied and pasted content into your article or blog. Please understand this will happen even if the source is your content from somewhere else on the internet. This comment is not an accusation of wrongdoing, but provides information for the reader. Cheetah also publishes a report every day, which lists the name of every person that Cheetah wrote to that day and made a comment that similar material was found elsewhere on the internet.
What happens if Cheetah up votes my post?
Some of your readers or followers won’t up vote your post if Cheetah comments on it. Some other “bots” which help you make money won’t pay you for your post if Cheetah comments or votes on your post. Cheetah has a high reputation, over 74, so if Cheetah down votes your post your reputation can go down. here are voting bots that ignore posts with votes from Cheetah.
The following are the FAQ posted by Cheetah last year and they are the most current I could find. I have edited each FAQ to make it shorter and to simplify the sentences for translation. Plus I didn’t want this article to be a copy and paste article because that would be inviting Cheetah to comment and vote on this article. If you wish to go directly to the source please follow this link:
My edited and simplified version of the FAQ
Q: What is this bot called Cheetah?
Cheetah is a bot and if she comments on your post she will say that she found similar content somewhere else on the internet. This is usually because you copied and pasted content into your article or blog. Please understand this will happen even if the source is your content from somewhere else on the internet. This comment is not an accusation of wrongdoing, but provides information for the reader.
Q: Is Cheetah a 'plagiarism bot'?
NO! It's nearly impossible to determine identity online. So Cheetah can never determine if your blog is plagiarism, a form of sharing, or a quote.
Q: Does Cheetah discriminate based on the type of content within a post?
What the content is doesn't matter, only the similarity to other content on the web.
Q: Is receiving a comment (and upvote) by Cheetah a bad thing?
No, the comment informs the reader that the content can be found on the web in another place, and was there before the Steemit post.
Q: Does Cheetah flag posts?
Normally NO. Cheetah doesn’t flag content, she up votes.
Q: I hear that if I get a Cheetah vote and comment, some people won't vote for my post.
Yes, there are voting bots that ignore posts with votes from Cheetah.
Q: How do I s avoid getting Cheetah votes?
You make sure that the majority of your post is in your own words.
If you use a quote use the markdown format for quotes: ( put a > in front of the quote) and are fully cited.
Q: Is Cheetah a perfect bot, which is always right?
Q: Who controls Cheetah? How do I contact them?
Second contact Steemcleaners members by using steemit.chat, in the steemcleaners-public channel, on the Application called Discord.First, @anyx is the creator of Cheetah.
Q: I do posts in a common format and get Cheetah votes. What can I do?
If you do a weekly challenge or game, do it on a separate account. If this doesn’t work, message @anyx in steemit.chat.
Q: Cheetah is flagging me! What can I do?
You can chat to someone in steemit.chat's channel steemitabuse-appeals.
However, for cases of identity theft and unremorseful plagiarism/fraud, they don’t give second chances.
Q: Is Cheetah an official part of the Steemit administration?
No. These are voluntary actions of community members.
- @Cheetah
- Cheetah FAQ cited above
- Cheetah comments
Cross-posted from original article on Steemleo for greater visibility.
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cheetah might not be a perfect bot but one fact is that it is a bot that is useful and effective...
This is true
Gracias por la valiosa información en referencia a este bot llamado Cheetah, desconocía de este tema.
A decent bot
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