Photo log_04 Jan 2024_First home baking

Today, I've decided to dust off the bread maker that's been hibernating in my cupboard for months. Originally purchased with grand visions of bonding over home baking with my daughter, it's finally time to fulfill that dream - and unleash my inner baker to serve freshly baked bread to my family, brimming with enthusiasm.

Choosing to make rye bread, I set off on a quest for ingredients. To my surprise, finding rye flour was trickier than anticipated. It turned out to be a rare commodity in the local markets, leading me to summon the powers of 'Coupang'. (e-commerce platform in KR)

오늘은 사두고 몇 달 동안 사용하지 않고 쳐박아뒀던 제빵기를 사용하기로 합니다. 딸아이와 홈베이킹을 해보겠다는 당초의 목적을 이룸과 동시에 신선한 갓 구운 빵을 가족들에게 제공하겠다는 의지가 그득그득 했습니다.

호밀빵을 만들기로 하고 재료를 구하는데 다른 재료보다는 호밀가루 구매가 생각보다 쉽지 않더군요. 집 주변 마트에선 팔지 않아 결국은 쿠팡의 힘을 빌렸습니다. (쿠팡에 없는게 없군요.)


There's a variety of recipes out there. Being a newbie, I chose one simple recipe and got ready to proceed.

레시피가 각양각색으로 다양하더군요. 처음이니 마음을 비우고 하나의 레시피를 고른 후 시도해 봅니다.


Grind the nuts- a big help from little hands.

귀여운 조막손으로 견과류를 빻아줍니다.


Pour the measured flour into the pan. It's her first time for making bread, so she has a strong will to do anything together.

계량된 밀가루를 팬에 부어 줍니다. 처음 만들어보는 빵이라 뭐든지 함께하려는 의지가 강한 어린이입니다. :)




Pour the measured ingredients into the pan one by one. My kid seemed to have really enjoyed this process.

계량된 재료를 차례차례 팬에 부어줍니다. 어린이는 이 과정이 무척이나 재밌었나 봅니다.


However, my wife doesn't seem to like the situation very much because it's late in the evening and we were doing this before going to bed.

저녁 늦은 시간이라 잠자리에 들기전에 이런다고 와이프님은 상황이 썩 마음에 들지 않은 듯 합니다.


As time passes, the scent of baking bread spreads.

시간이 지나자 빵굽는 향기가 그윽하게 퍼집니다.


Ta-da! Behold the bread, decently baked. 😁

타단~ 그럴듯하게 빵이 완성되었습니다. 😁


For a first attempt, it wasn't half bad, but it looks like I've got to roll up my sleeves to make it even tastier. Looks like I've just added another activity to do with my daughter – baker's hat on!

첫 시도치곤 나쁘진 않았지만 더 맛있게 만들 수 있도록 노력 해봐야겠습니다. 이렇게 딸과 함께하는 activity가 하나 늘었습니다.


I like your daughter. She wants to help you or even she likes to know how to bake. The cutest thing is she smashes the almonds and puts some flour.

lol, yes, she was very interested in baking process and tried best to be involved. Thx for the comments. :)

Welcome 🤗

That's so cute! The tini-tiny loaf pan looks like a good utensil to have for home baking.

Great job man! Your cute daughter looks like she's having a great time as well 😁

Thx, mate! :) Yes, she is waiting next baking already.

This is one giant bread!☺️☺️
You could never go wrong when you have a little helper so eager to learn and help!!😍

Haha... Your baby girl is so full of energy. She's trying to be involved in the whole process, despite his little hands. It's hilariously cute. The bonding you have with her while doing all these relevant things is interesting.

The cake looks nice. This is perfect for a first timer. Haha.

Thx for the comment. 😁 Yes she liked it so much and I am preparing this kindda activities with her for next time.

She is growing so fast and I'm doing all my best to spend time with her and record it on HIVE.

I haven't made bread in a good while, last time I did we had some thick brown bread and soup which was really nice.

Yeah, I've bought a fair few things with good intentions, only for them to end up sitting in a cupboard gathering dust.

I'm looking forward to doing things like this with my son when he's a bit older, he's only 9 months at the moment.

Thx for the comment. I just try my best to be a dad who teaches my daughter valuable life skills and wisdom in a friendly way.

I'm also looking forward to seeing your posts with your son enjoying various activities in the near future! 😁

That's so nice to hear. It's life-changing, and the responsibility for parents is unimaginable, all we can do is our best, and hope they grow up happy, with enough skill to lead a good life.

I'll certainly post about it. He's a really happy guy, always smiling and full of energy. He recently started crawling, and within a few days of that, he got bored and has been doing his best to stand up haha me and my partner have really taken to parenthood.

Hahaha, if you teach your daughter these things when she is young, everything will be easier when she grows up. She won't be one of those children who grow up unprepared for life. Congratulations man, you're doing a good job.

Thx, you got my point. Learning life skills and fun for her. lol

Absolutely man, you are such a nice dad

How cute is your daughter! 😍
Reminds me of the time I was still living with my parents. We used to bake our own bread together. As a toddler, I helped as well! :D

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오 밤빵! 성공을 기원합니다!ㅎ