A Thrillingly Terrific Throuple

in Anime3 months ago

This piece of Hakkaku x Shunran x Ginta or HakShunGin fanart is dedicated to all of the wonderful December birthday celebrants who celebrated their very special days throughout this month. So, I hope you all have magnificent birthdays, and I wish you a lot of love, happiness, joy, beauty, pristineness, abundance, and richness in your lives as artists and people. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful shippers of HakShunGin and everybody who finds the idea of both Hakkaku and Ginta being in a beautifully romantic relationship with Shunran. Sit back, relax, and revel in the beauty that Hakkaku and Ginta can provide to Shunran as a dynamic throuple.

41-year-old wolf yokai warrior hunks, Hakkaku and Ginta, take pride in their handsomely built muscles to please their dearest darling wife, 38-year-old Shunran. While Shunran admires her husbands' muscular strength, handsome virility, and collective charisma, with Hakkaku being a tenacious warrior and Ginta being a charismatic charmer, she too has her fabulous fighting prowess and stupendous speed on standby. This is also coupled with her stunning gorgeousness, affable charm, and dynamic resourcefulness as an expert mage. Therefore, both Hakkaku and Ginta provide their unconditional love to Shunran for her beauty, kindness, intelligence, and conscientiousness, while Shunran provides her unconditional love to both Hakkaku and Ginta for their loyalty, strength, formidability, hilarity, and undying need to keep her well-protected from harm. They truly do care for each other in times of strife and joy.

In terms of their combat prowess, they continue to be absolutely phenomenal. Hakkaku's fortitude in Shooto combined with Muay Boran and Lerdrit, Ginta's formidability in Shootfighting combined with Lethwei and Bokator, and Shunran's fabulousness in Sanda combined with Dutch and Japanese Kickboxing are thoroughly brilliant. No doubt would Sagat and Bruce Irvin sing praises to Hakkaku, Adon and Bryan Fury recite hymns to Ginta, and Dee Jay and Dan Hibiki shower Shunran with poems of adulation. Their collective combat prowess has also been passed down to their fourteen children, who have also become charismatic combatants and brilliant tacticians like their parents.

I hope you all enjoyed this. I know I have been more busy with my YouTube content. However, I want to dedicate the remainder of this month to produce one last piece of fan art for 2024. Therefore, I will see you in 2025 with my continuous effort to provide content for both YouTube and DeviantArt for you all. Take care, stay safe, and train well like Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran, everybody.

Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
A Thrillingly Terrific Throuple.jpg