The human being is a being of habit, and once he feels the happiness produced by comforts, meals prepared around the corner, the feeling of joy experienced in the city surrounded by lights and the beauty of man's inventions, it is difficult for him to want to abandon such privilege; to continue living within the net is part of his happiness, However there are exceptions, perhaps the needs, the desire to live surrounded by nature (and this is also part of the happiness of some) or simply the country situation coupled with the current circumstances of the planet, which lead many people to migrate to a rural area, and thus escape the grid.
For nobody it is a secret the ecstasy that can get to produce the use of the Internet, the wonders that it presents is an ocean, where to choose is so amusing: to take a walk by musical videos, films, series, courses of different topics, the learning can be very effective when you use suitably so powerful tool, in addition to the possibility of profiting doing what you like: to write, to hang videos, photographies, games, etc, a range of possibilities, which you would hardly want to leave behind who has already caressed such a beautiful gem, and logically the Internet can also be a dangerous weapon, but that is not the point I want to make today.
Leaving the net implies leaving the Internet aside and I sincerely see it as very difficult for many, where they have managed to alleviate the economic burden, for example a button, I, with the benefits that Hive implies in the middle of this pandemic, is a benefit that keeps me inside the net for now (among other things).

Comforts do not really imply happiness of a person, there have been known cases of wealthy men and women who end up taking their own lives, key evidence that money (comforts) is not synonymous with happiness, on one occasion someone told me a brief story of the most fascinating, which I consider appropriate for this occasion: once upon a time there was a man who was dedicated to collaborate with the king in cleaning or any other activity that was sent to him, and the king felt a little envious of that humble man who always looked so happy, singing and whistling, the king's advisor planned something to show the king that he could break the happiness of that humble man, and the king agreed. At night the humble man after dinner with his wife went to sleep, in the middle of the night they heard a noise that woke them up, they realized there was a bag of gold coins on the kitchen table, they were excited counting the coins, even though they rectified they always counted 99 coins and searched even on the floor to locate the coin number 100. The next day the humble man looked sad and even his wife started to work to one day complete the 100th coin.
This short story shows how often money corrupts happiness.
Many people who live in rural areas are very happy, growing their own food represents a satisfying fact that comes from their effort, constancy, dedication and care, feeling the lack of noise compared to urban areas is a blessing, raising animals for consumption, to get milk, and going to the plantations to take what you need to cook during the day is rewarding, these are things that despite being far from the current comforts produces an unsurpassed personal value to them.
In the midst of this pandemic the economic and health situation of the majority of the inhabitants of the planet has worsened, and some are looking for alternatives to be able to cope with the situation, so much travel to other countries where they believe they see a light to stay healthy and within the network, for another part of the world population an alternative is to go to the countryside, to rural areas, alleviating some expenses, such as: water, transportation, the cost of housing, etc, However, this also requires an initial investment, a capital to start producing, harvesting, raising animals, and if we don't have a way to cover this, we will be facing a new problem. The advantage of currently living in these areas is that it allows you to meet the social distance more fully, take a healthier diet, breathe cleaner air, and thus stay healthier, in the opposite case, if a person there is sick is much fewer options to care for it in addition to the shortage of places to purchase the necessary drugs for care, all this is possible, but for some the tranquility they get there is more important.

Live on or off the grid?
It's related to how rooted of you are in the grid, the circumstances that keep you into the grid, and if you can't imagine your life outside the grid, if you still prefer to go off the grid to stay healthier, then going off the grid is a reliable option for you, especially at this time, where isolating yourself and keeping your distance can be achieved more easily by escaping from the grid, on the other hand, in consideration of the educational part that is nowadays managed through the internet, or at least for the successful accomplishment of school tasks it is necessary to use the internet for research, and this can be the perfect excuse to continue being an active part of the grid.
Deciding whether or not to leave the grid is a family decision, since a change in lifestyle always brings negative and positive consequences that should be studied before the big decision, however the health of each citizen in this era is everyone's business, and no matter where you are you should be aware of your role in keeping each other healthy by fully complying with the rules, definitely for me to think about living in a rural area seems a great ideal, however I tie many things to the grid.
Living off the grid in terms of health is the ideal option, and that would contribute to better health for everyone because somehow we are connected, we are a human ecosystem.

This time the ecotrain community offers us the opportunity to write about how living off-grid is the answer to most of the consequences of the coronavirus.

Thank you dear friends for your support, any suggestion or comment will be received with great affection.

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