A very controversial question and one that I feel has two answers, hear me out!
As someone, who is an activist and has attended many protests myself I do feel I have a good opinion on this subject. The last I attended was an anti lockdown one in Manchester and we disrupted the town centre and cost the taxpayers a lot of money for policing and all the shindig they twitter on about. So in that sense, it costs the innocent money when there is a major disruption.
That being said, how else do you open people's eyes to something? We live in a society where many blindly trust the TV and social media outlets and do not even bother to look into anything themselves or listen to their gut.
Personally, I think protesting or inconveniencing the public will never change anything; it is giving the power to the companies or governments. Effectively you are asking them to stop it, please. The only effective way is to stop using their goods, change our ways and make our own!
Nothing else will work!
We are giving them the power even by protesting.
So in this sense, the protest disruption is not justified as they don't actually achieve much! Although if they are big enough and cause enough disruption then people become curious and look into it. It starts conversations and maybe about fifty per cent of the people who hear about it open their eyes.
As the protests get bigger and create more conversation and provoke thought which is a good thing. But how big do they need to be? We had near a million march in London last year and the media blacked it out claiming only a few thousand. The minions take this as gospel and agree with the Tv "these hippies ra ra ra". So in my view, we need major disruption to open the eyes of the sheep, until you get a disruption on a scale we haven't seen yet nothing is going to happen but (stealing a corporate line) every little helps.
Yes, they are justified but it's still building and were at the level where the perceived opinion is that it is not justified but when the sudden realisation comes the justification also slips into place. Many will say their campaign is more justified than every other! In my book as long as someone believes strongly in something they should have the right to voice that opinion even if that inconveniences someone else. This should be held in kudos by the disrupted as one day it'll be them with these issues they are trying to voice!
What does annoy me is those that think their march is more important than someone else's opinions this is where it is not justified, as people with this attitude are short-sighted. Then you get the hurling abuse at people who are not aware of the issues or are frightened this is never justified.
So that's my answer to that one!
Connect with you next time... π¦Άπ½π―π.
Om namah shivaya... ππ½ππΏ
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