Telsa What A Legend ...
Today folks it's just a simple recommendation for you. I think the title kinda gives it away but it is a book by Robert Lomas called, do we need a drum roll here. Admin drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 "The Man Who Invented The Twentieth Century". Ok a bit of an anti-climax there, but the book is a cracking read I seriously recommend it.

As many of you will know I feel Tesla was a misunderstood legend. My partner bought me this book for my birthday back in November so I've read it in three months! That's bloody good going for me; I am not the quickest of readers.
Without spoiling too much this book details Tesla's life and his inventions. I guarantee you there is something Tesla invented or at least set the groundwork for the working of something you are looking at right now. Sadly due to a number of circumstances he has hardly any recognition for anything he invented. Tesla didn't help himself and although he was done over a number of times he could have learned from things but the man was too kind and trusting. Not only is this book a fascinating delve into the life of the genius there are some valuable life lessons to be learnt here too.

All in all this book was an insight into parts of his life I have not ventured into before. The real Tesla maybe? There are obvious conspiracies around his death but this only deals in fact and what Tesla said himself and have been recorded! It opened my eyes to the real story of when he was alive and how he got massively screwed over and how this in turn hindered humanity. Indeed we should have free electricity now; this is what Tesla wanted to give to humanity but he was screwed over by... ooh I don't want to ruin it. If he had been allowed to shine we would definitely be living a lot more sustainably than we are now. It's kinda sad but I'd like to hop there and alternative reality where he was recognised and people live in full knowledge of his inventions and have progressed then into a wonderful sustainable society. There is still hope through using his inventions if we can find them would definitely benefit us still today. Also the lessons of how not to trust the big corporations I bet you can guess who the guy is that ruined him, he's still known as a knob.
Anyways I have said enough I highly recommend reading this. You'll be surprised I am sure no matter how much you know about Tesla or electricity or even invention in the 20th century.
Enjoy 📖
So that's a wrap for today!
Connect with you next time... 🦶🏽💯🐒.
Om namah shivaya... 🙏🏽🌍📿
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