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RE: What Is Coming in 2025

in ecoTrain2 months ago

When the apocalypse reveals to you that you have been misled, that there are no ayliums or magic, when you are faced with the fact that you are the saviour you have been waiting for and the tools you have disparaged as merely mundane are enough to provide you that ability, and no magic perpetual energy is either awaiting revelation or necessary, will you buckle down and build what you need?

Because 2025 is the year of the Apocalypse, the year of revelation that both sides of the left/right paradigm are misled and there is no net, nothing underneath us to break our fall but our own resilience. All those raised on participation trophies have been designed to collapse at this point, have not been trained to overcome setbacks, like you have. You can't make a living with a hammer without being able to overcome setbacks, @builderofcastles.

I have provided the links. I have shown the real, actual technology that enables those of us capable of freedom to make it ourselves, without saviours, without magic, or ayliums. With aquaponics, with DIY solar panels, with concrete supercapacitors, 3D printers laser sintering metals from powder, UV hardening resin, or layering molten filament to make the necessities and blessings of civilization. If you want me to link to source again, I will. There is no one, no divine right to overlord in authority over you, even just 25% of what we suffer today. You are sovereign. More than goods, even necessities, you must create, you must produce your merit to rule yourself. There is no other saviour. No authority you require to rule you. There are the tools that work to do the things that must be done, and there is you, that must use the tools to do the things.

The only question is will you use them to make the freedom you need to live? Will you become part of the community by providing that backbone of merit society must have to survive? Because that is just the way things are, and all the fantasies of magic and perpetual motion and benevolent overlords are what is squashed.