Trying to reignite my spiritual life

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)

Hello hivers, how are you all doing today ?
Recently i am feeling weak about my spiritual life. I find myself slumbering when it comes to things of the spirit. Going from my prayer life and commitment to the things of God.
Yes sometime ago, due to my young age when i lost my mum. I felt like i lost everything and asked God why he decided to punish me this way.
My mum was a major player in my life then, so i became angry with God why he allowed such calamity to befall me.

Years past and i started lossing faith the more because even though God sees me through and delivers me Everytime, i still get angry with him for not answering my prayers (Foolish me anyways).
I have came to understand somethings

You might not get what you asked for but be grateful for what you have.

I stumbled upon this statement on the internet sometime ago, didn't really put much meaning to it, till i paid attention to the details like;
Yes i don't get what i wish and pray for but what about the hidden battles and Life God gives to me that i don't even deserve or appreciate him for? I took my time to ponder 🤔 on this and realized maybe i am the one to be blamed here.
I don't work for God , he do i expect him to work for me ?

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I came to a conclusion that i should try doing his works, waking up my spiritual life once more, putting on that fire again this year see how it turns out.
There is saying ;

Why not try God ? Why not challenge him and see what he can do ?

I have decided to do just that. I want to challenge and see what he can do. Most people has made such decision and it's paying off for them and i want to try it out myself.

Restoring my spiritual life is a journey i am willing to embark on and i know exactly how to do that.
Alot people have ways of doing this but i am going to start with basics which every believer of spirituality knows.


3.Reading the words of God and 4.putting them to practice
5.Fasting and praying
6.Doing good deeds
7.keeping the commandment
and lots more.

I know there are people out there like me who has one or two reasons why there spiritual fire has been quenched, why don't we try and put that fire back on ?

Thank you for reading and be sure to check out my posts.