Embracing Our Ancient Ways - Celebrating Imbolc / Brigids Day

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Imbolc,which is also known and celebrated as Brigid’s day, (especially in Ireland) is a celebration of the earths reawakening. Brigid is the goddess of Ireland, the maiden aspect of the triple Goddess, she represents our intuitive power and our creative force. A symbol of fertility, healing and creative expression. Her energy, is present now, as we welcome the growth of the returning light, both within and without.


Now is the time of new life, of new beginnings, it is the time for manifestation. As we move into a more active phase of the year, we are being called to connect with our inner knowing, our inner wisdom, so that we call on it to guide us.

As we start to see the signs of the earths stirring,of buds forming on the trees, bulbs pushing their way up through the soil, we too are being encouraged to shake off the last grip of winter . To re-emerge, full of new ideas, new visions,ready to plant them, to release the out into the world . We are being called to prepare for the changes that will come.now is the time for action!

Each of us hold within,the seeds necessary to create the world we wish to live in. The seeds of our new visions, of a new way of being!

Within the darkness of the winter months, we were encouraged to travel deep within, to connect with our intuition and with our unconscious self. Now is the time to bring forth all that we have learnt, during that time.

Our power, our energy,our life force is so potent right now. We need to tap into that, to tap into our true potential as we move forward, as we create a new world. So that we can break free of these constraints of the old world, that were based on the dominance and manipulation of all living beings. Now is the time to connect with our inner fire, to take our power back.


Nature is here to guide us towards and remind us of our true potential. With each new season, comes the opportunity to strengthen our connection and deepen our awareness to self. Once we begin to observe the many changes that occur in the natural world, we begin to understand how they too, are opportunities for learning.

How they reflect the cycles within our own lives and once we begin to open ourselves up to these teachings, we become more in tune with nature, we become more in tune with what it means to be alive and equip ourselves with the skills to thrive in life.

Tomorrow I will be making goddess eyes with my daughters, which are also know as Brigid's crosses. Before we begin though, we will burn the ones we made last year, reminding us to let go, so that we can move forward.


Brigid is a wonderful example of how Christianity stole the ways of the old and made them into their own. In an attempt, to try and convince our ancestors to convert to their ways. Today in Ireland, our Goddess is more widely known as a Saint. It would have been impossible to force the people of Ireland to give up their goddess, so it was easier to keep her as a saint. But her energy, her fire lives on.

And she has shown us, how much the essence of the feminine has survived through it all. In Ireland when Christianity began to oppress so many women, demoralizing them and calling them evil and witches, they still found a way to hold onto their ways, their knowledge, to still hold onto their power.

As we cycle round now once again, let us all remember our connection to the divine,the divine within us all. Let us remember how we are intertwined with the natural world and how we all hold the power to create change. This is something we need, now more than ever.

Wishing you all, A Wonderful Imbolc!







Thank you @sequentialvibe xxxxx