"Open your mind, hands, and heart to Nature, and Nature will generously reciprocate."

in ecoTrainlast year

#GreenQuote of the Week

Every week, @thegreens shares an inspiring quote to plunge you into deep reflection and inspire you to take environmental action.

Green Quote of the Week.jpg

The Earth abundantly provides for everyone; all we need to do is treat Mother Nature and Planet Earth with care. Demonstrating love and tending to her with care will result in abundant provision of all our needs. Conversely, if we disrespect her and neglect her well-being, she will respond unfavorably.

✌and 💚You can support us in caring for #Nature by donating to the Plastic Bottles Recycling and Education Project (PB-REP): https://www.gofundme.com/f/bottlestobooksproject

#EnvironmentalEducation #GreenQuote #Quote #Arts #TheGreens #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDGs #GreenSchools #Environment #ClimateChange #Nature


@thegreens is a grassroots Environmental Educator/Activist based in Bamenda, Cameroon with 13 years of experience serving as Founder/Executive Director of The Greens and a Geology Teacher with 13 years of experience working at Government High School Kedjom-Keku. He is the FAO Forest Educator of the year 2019, an African ChangeMakers Fellow, an Innovator, and a Creative Leader/Facilitator with groundbreaking records in Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Education, and Waste Management.