It is indeed very sad how natural disasters like this are getting more common due to our own doing and how little the government cares about all this. The highest level of lack of compassion for it citizens. I am glad your village wasn't impacted much.
This makes me remember the severe flood that plagued some states in my country not even up to a month ago. Lives were lost and properties worth millions destroyed, people were rendered homeless but no one, not the president, not the governor even commented on it.
Politicians are only good in front of the camera.
And majority of the people will only listen to what the government and the media say. Those people will repeat what the narrative is and will follow it wholeheartedly while acting like it is wholly based on their will.
If they hear climate change or inflation from TV, they will repeat it. But they really don't care.
The truly lived experiences are hardly portrayed in the media. Nonetheless I must say people are becoming wiser and are opening their eyes to th reality of this ruling them.