You're a fighter. This is no match for you for sure. But I do strongly suggest you see a doctor asap. Health they say is wealth for real, so please brother see the doc as soon as you can.
I feel your struggles of finding a place in Lagos.
I got lucky here as it was my sister who went sourcing for me and it isn't a fancy place but it's pretty decent and I'm happy with it.
I also hope you try to share some of your burden with your closest friends, you'd be surprised how better you'd feel.
You will overcome mate. I'm rooting for ya 🙏🤲🏿
Mehn, the craze in the general hospital is something else, but that's definitely what I'll be doing along the way. As for Lagos, I've lived all my life here and I've had people doing the searching for me, plus, my aunt owns a property in the suburbs of Lagos, so I haven't really lived on my own.
Anyways, these things happen, it's not like I'm complaining, I know everything is inevitable but then, man's a man, the frustration can get to one.
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I feel you bro, but please complain. 😅You need to.
Safe gee 🙏