What Happens In The Orchard

in ecoTrain β€’ 3 years ago

If anyone is following my posts in the ecoTrain community then you know that I have been working in the field for some time and recently picked potatoes. 😁
But you also know that there is no rest in gardening and farming.

Now I have time to arrange the orchard. It's from my mother, but because she's over eighty and can no longer work as she used to, then I help. As a field, the orchard is completely and 100% organic, we do not use artificial fertilizers to grow or destroy pests. I occasionally prune a branch and that's it. 😎


The orchard is still quite large, like a football field. It is quite old, some trees even over seventy years old, it would need to be rejuvenated but there is no time for that except for basic maintenance like mowing and the like. There are mostly apples and pears, they're very old trees and home-grown varieties, but there is also something else.


As can be seen from the photos, mowing is now topical. It took me about three afternoons to mow everything, but my lawnmower broke down and I had to replace one part ...


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As I mentioned in my field posts, this year is not a good harvest, there won't be much fruit in the orchard either. There have been no plums for a couple of years now because they've been attacked by a disease and it'll be necessary (when I'll have time ... if I deal less with the crypto 😎) to cut down all the plum trees and plant new ones ...


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The apples are still green and few. Last year we had over 600 kg of apples and we prepared homemade apple juice and vinegar. We won’t be doing it this year because there are so few apples. There will be some apples for the winter.


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There will be a few pears too. Old trees are and no longer bear so much fruit. The tallest tree in the orchard is a pear and is said to be over seventy years old. A couple of years ago the branches were breaking, there was so much fruit. This year, you have to look at where the fruit is.


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Maybe there will be some more grapes this year, I think. If the birds don't eat it :)


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There will be some kiwis too. Last year it was huge, this year it will be significantly less. It’s also one such cycle, good harvests are every couple of years, not every year.


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The last acquisition in an orchard is a fig planted by the late father, but so far we haven't tried the figs. There were a few last year but they all fell down. This year they ripened once before and fell down, and now one tree has borne fruit once more.
We'll see.


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If anyone is more interested in how the farming went: Drought, Mud in the field, Growing, Jungle in the field, What's going on.

5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@hive-123046).

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Fruit orchard looks healthy, perhaps very tall pear trees need a very good pruning after fruit season.

Milk of figs on white side of lemon peel my Mom used with plaster to remove warts. Have not seen lovely fig tree since childhood, spent many days enjoying them.

Productive orchards take constant feeding and care @seckorama, an all year round task at hand.

Yeah, you're right. You need to care orchard constantly. So, if you do like me, occasionally is the result like this. Well, maybe, when I'll go to pension I'll have more time for this. 😎

Nothing beats fruit fresh off the trees, potato straight from the field or any other food. Perhaps when on pension it will be excellent to spend more time tending.

Yes, that's the plan. Maybe some Hive post, also. 😎

Something to look forward to!

That is a nice looking orchard @seckorama. I've never seen many pear trees get tall, because down south Georgia USA where I grew up, some sort of blight always made the trees sickly.
Oh they would produce, but most of the fruit fell to the ground before fully ripe, and wasps/bees would sting the fruit to make soft spots that they could feed on.
I do love me some pears though, figs too.
Good job!

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Well, it's not so good. The pears are very old. In the years when the harvest is good, I cook pear brandy from them.😎

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much, @qurator team and @ackhoo! 😎

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Very cool view

Thanks for stopping by. 😎
