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RE: Earthship Biotecture Classroom #2: All About Solar Gain

in ecoTrain5 years ago

Can't wait to experience this for myself. Body heat & laptop heat were not the answers I expected! Though I do understand how the insulation must be way more effective than a standard house, making a little bit go a long way.

I asked this question because the climate is so evidently changing now. Here in the South of France we are getting a lot more rain & clouds and the temperature is lower than normal, generally speaking. Not sure where you are at with your understanding of the Grand Solar Minimum but it seems to me that we can expect a notable drop in temperature with longer harsher winters and one would be prudent, assuming one intends to live in these homes for the rest of their lives, to account for this in the design.

I will copy the question onto Youtube.

 5 years ago  

well.. IF you want to prepare for an 'ice age'.. id say just get a nice wood burner in there.. insulate like mad.. and make those windows big and triple glazed.. i think you'll be better off than just about anyone else!