Charles Darwin the great evolutionist taught that mankind evolved from lower animals and humans are just smart, higher or sophisticated animals.
Though this is belief is adopted by mainstream science, few skeptics like me are not convinced with the evidences that Darwin and other evolutionists like him advanced to buttress or support their arguments.
This is an old debate no doubt, nonetheless, it is an important and relevant one as it deals with our identity which is fundamental to our worldview or the general way we interpret whatever we experience in life or happening in our world.
Evolutionists generally tend to hold a materialistic worldview. They think that there is nothing in existence beyond what is material or physical. This belief have several moral implications for the practicing evolutionists that will definitely affect his relationships with others.
To be sure, I know that evolutionists are entitled to their own worldviews just like I am to mine, and I am not attempting here to put down evolutionists or any belief system, in any way. My main goal is to promote my worldview while noting what I consider the weakness of evolutionist's worldview.
So, if you disagree with me in any way (I know many people are likely to) do not consider this post as an attack. You are free, of course, to set me right if you think I need some correction.
The Implication of a materialistic worldview
Do animals ever feel guilty or feel the pain of shame for wrongdoing? As far as science is concerned, this is a highly contestable question with no clear-cut answer. There are diverging views and contradictory evidences about the question.
Let's assume for a moment that animal do not feel the pain of shame or feel guilty for wrongdoing, what is the implication of this if humans are considered as animals?
Well, we could be free from looking disapprovingly at ourselves for the wrongs that we do just as animal do not look disapprovingly at themselves for wrongdoing.
Animals are generally less morally accountable. Any belief system that promote the idea of humans as sophisticated animals, nonetheless, as animals subconsciously promote moral unaccountability among people. And that, dear reader, is very dangerous for our world.
It is was Jim Rohn, the famous American business philosopher that said human are very unique in that they are moral free agents. Animals actions and behaviors are solely based on genetic predetermination.
You cannot train a group of salmon fish against obeying the genetic call for salmon run during their seasonal movement nor can you train dogs to fly. Jim Rohn jokingly said the first lesson in business 101 is to not waste your money sending your dogs to eagle school as they can't learn how to fly. If a dog start out with waste, it can only end up with waste, said Jim. Not so with humans.
Another implication of a worldview that is based on the belief that humans are sophisticated animal is the fact that people can excuse their moral failures without any sense of shame, seeing they are helpless victims of their genetic conditioning like other animals.
This is contrary to our day to day observation. Humans are wired to overcome nature. Examples of this abound. A simple example of this fact is that most animals answer the call to nature whenever and wherever the urge come upon them. Animals mate anywhere as well without any sense of shame. Humans know to do better than these.
At the risk of being too frivolous, here is another simple example. Although it is natural and probably easier to lower one's head in order to drink water from, says, a reservoir, humans uniquely raise water to their mouth to have a drink.
A person defiles little children, and we sympathetically label him a pedophiles. Another helpless victim of genetic conditioning. Really?
The Uniqueness of humans
Humans have moral conscience. Note, that conscience is different from consciousness. A moral conscience make you feel bad when you do wrong and give you a strong conviction of thumb up when you act in accordance with your belief of rightness.
Are there known animals who are activist- fighting for a cause that they deemed to be just ? Do animals have judiciary system ? What will they need it for anyway ? I will appreciate sincere answers to these sincere questions from anyone.
Animal do not use money
Animals, not even the social ones, are known to use money for transaction. How do that relate to our topic of discussion? The use of money involve some level of morality. There must be honesty- a moral attribute.
In conclusion
There is no shadow of doubt in my mind that humans are more than sophisticated animals.
Thank you for stopping by.
Animal Emotions: Exploring Passionate Natures
Thou shall prosper: Ten commandment for making money by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
hi, did you write most of this post or did you copy it? it looks mostly copied.. please let me know and please write your own posts else its not something we can support. thanks
Copied? No, I didn't copy it. To be sure, I got some of the ideas I espoused from others and I rightly referenced them. There is no part of the write up that was copied to the best of my knowledge. You can verify that with a software.
Thank you.
I am wondering why so much emphasis is put on money? There are much more important things in life, aren't there?
First, let me sincerely apologize for my long absence and delayed reply.
Sir, to most people in the world who are without money, money is very important and even to those who have it, money is also very important.
But to be sure, there are much more important things in life besides money.
That's fine. We all have our priorities, and those are often off chain. Don't worry!
Just to make it clear, money is important, but money is not the only item (and should not be, in my opinion).
I think the money is the least of our concerns. I would be more worried about the pseudoscientific stuff here. Claiming that the human evolution is a "belief", that disregarding that is being "skeptic" and that scientists are wrong about "being materialist" (meaning here, dismissing the existence of a supernatural realm) is just too much pseudoscience for my taste 😅
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