Hello to all my dear readers, today as every week in the ecoTrain community, this week's question is active, very interesting as always.

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And these are my answers:
Why do you think so many computer games are based on extreme violence?
The virtual world is a parallel world to our real day to day life, there are infinities of online games and most of them always contain violence; When we speak of "VIOLENCE" it is a fairly broad term, we can not only say that when a game deals with wars, there are also vehicle games that likewise culminate in persecution and quite strong things such as blows and aggression to another, definitely this it is also violence.
The creators of video games use their strategies for marketing and create variety to capture the attention of users and I really believe that people love to play and it is because playing is synonymous with enjoying, therefore there are many people who dedicate time to enjoy being immersed in a video game where they can do things that in real life they cannot or should not do, such as: speeding and crashing but reviving and also hitting someone without feeling pain, including KILLING and thus they have a greater demand, the higher the demand, the greater their economic income.
“One thing has not changed - and will not change - is our nature as a form of entertainment. Like any other form of entertainment, we must create an emotional response in order to succeed. Laughter ... fear ... enjoyment ... anger ... affection ... surprise ... and above all, pride of achievement. In the end, triggering those feelings in our players is the true judgment of our work. This is the final measure of success ”. Satoru Iwata president of nintendo from 2002 - 2015

Do you think it is healthy or unhealthy?
This depends on the person, their personality and decision-making capacity in life, why do I say this? Because we all know the good and the bad since we are children, and as thinking rational beings we must have self-control regarding our actions and emotions.
As I said before, playing is synonymous with pleasure and everything that is pleasant will generally generate that desire to do it again, as well as eating that chocolate ice cream that has a lovely flavor, or enjoying the beach with that beautiful blue infinity of the sea, or enjoy dancing all night until dawn, including making love or having sex; They are all pleasant things that we would like to repeat a thousand times but THE BALANCE is necessary.
Let's imagine these scenarios for a moment:
1- How we like chocolate cake then: Will we eat cake for 24 hours?
2- How I like the sea, will I be there for a whole year day and night?
3- How I like to dance, will I dance 24 x 24 hours?
4- Making love is very rich, I love it! Will I make love non-stop?
5- I like games, will I play day and night?
We are free to do so, but we just need to have common sense and a good level of conscience to say: This is crazy! No matter how pleasant the activity is, there must be a balance so that our health is not harmed and video games are no exception.
There are many studies carried out by many specialists in the field, some say that exposure to games generates many changes in people, specifically in their attitude, and others say that it does not; I particularly think that a person's health will be affected depending on the individual's exposure time.
It is important to note that playing is not bad, it is even relaxing, personally on occasions I have played a very simple but at the same time relaxing, it is called SUMA, it is a very simple visual-manual coordination game and even so on occasions I have been so excited that if I'm wrong and they kill me I scream Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Hahaha, Playing helps to release stress, you relax your mind because you stop thinking about what you have been through in the day and you bring your thoughts to such a level of concentration that you turn the page from stress to relaxed. A PAINKILLER!

Well-used technology brings many benefits, all extremes bring negative consequences to our lives, of course but if everything is dosed it will add positive effects. Playing helps to strengthen you in Courage, courage, friendship and love… these are values that are fostered in games, you even learn to work as a team, which is difficult for many people.
Currently in my country there is a game that many people play and it is RuneScape, they make money with it and many families are supporting themselves that way in my country. Not everything is bad! They do it seeing it as work and spend many hours playing, usually all night since they are online games and the internet is not very good around here.
By the way, Runescape is in the Guinness Book of Records; On August 22, 2008, Runescape entered the Guinness Book of Records. The game was recognized as the most popular MMORPG in the world.
When does playing a game go from being healthy to being unhealthy?
The moment a person sets aside his social life and only wants to live in a virtual world, he stops wanting to study, go out to socialize and begins to get sick both physically and psychologically, going from normal use of the game to an addiction. Showing changes in his emotions, there is a change in language, he handles violent thoughts and acts, depression, isolation, sleep disorder, anxiety, irritability, very strong headaches due to high exposure, It is no longer good to Play! But they can't stop now.
It depends on you and me if it will be healthy or not.

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Estoy muy de acuerdo con tus respuestas!!! Buena forma de analizar!!!
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