#Qotw contest season 9.1: What does spirituality mean to you?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Spirituality is a medium of reality that exist beyond the physical, the physical is what you see with your sensory organs example eyes, nose, ear etc. The spiritual exist in the corridor of the mind, we human being are made up of spirit soul and body meaning we function with the mind and body.
It is important to know both activities as to how the influence each other. The spirit (Mind) and body are in harmony or function as one. Man lives a purposeful life when the spiritual self controls the physical self.

Life is more of the spiritual to the physical. Coming from a typical christian background I've grown to know that

God is a spirit and those that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
John 4 vs 24

You can't even worship God without the spiritual cos He is spirit.
Since my creator is a spirit, the only way to communicate with him is through the spirit.

For me human beings are actors and actresses on earth, God is the script writer. God has the blue print 🐾 of our lives and the only way to fulfill purpose is to communicate and learn from him which is of cos the spiritual.


It is only our knowledge of the spiritual that will make us have peace, know how to love.
1John 4 vs 8

Who those not love dose not know God, for God is love.

Let me conclude with this, it's is the spiritual before the physical.
Genesis 1 vs 1a

In the beginning God.

The physical happens after the spiritual. peace, Joy and all of the good things, happens in the spiritual first before the physical cos the physical is only a manifestation of the spiritual.


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