in ecoTrain3 years ago


Greetings from this part of the world..I hope we all had a good day or having a good day in some part of the country...

Purpose means alot of things in different area to people. Its could mean a plan,target,aim,reason,determination,So we can see that this subject matter means different things in a similar way.
Nevertheless let me give you my own understanding of the meaning of purpose

 *Purpose can be said to be the reason for something,its answers the question why? For humans,purpose describes why a person was born and what a person was born to do.*

It is of the truth that most people don't know why they were born,they are just doing too many things without knowing the specific thing to do,without doing their assignment here on earth..I will help to highlight those things that could help you dictate if you are actually walking in your purpose or not.


Your coming on earth does not mean you are going to walk in purpose,you must discover it!
This is a general Principle I'm sharing here so its shouldn't look like a new thing,also apart from the first factor which I would be more explicate the rest is something that can easily understood..
The key factors to discovering purpose lies in the following :

Potentials are those hidden talent you have not yet utilize.
Everything in life has potential but potential are always inherent,they are pointer to your purpose. Have you ever wondered how you could do that special thing that no one taught you,I mean for example there are artist that no one has ever taught them how to draw, there are good singers with great voice that have never attended a voice training school,there are people that have not been taught how to acquire certain skills but when you see them do it you start to wonder. Just like a bird that is given wings to fly,a seed becoming a tree,all these came naturally made. Your potentials make purpose easy for you also your Purpose gives birth to responsibility, and responsibility makes demand on potential.

So you can see that your potentials and your purpose work hand in hand. To those that have discover potentials, I would say congratulations but there are more within you but don't be satisfied with your last accomplishment, because there are
many accomplishments yet to be perfected. Since you are full of potentials,you should not be the same person next year that you are this year.

To those seeking to find their potentials,true potentials can only come from the source which is God. Strive so hard to be better than yesterday and for you to do s o you have to put your potentials to work!!


What is that one thing you would do if you were not paid?? That thing you would do without complaining and murmuring. That thing you enjoy doing despite all odds and you find fulfillment in it. Answer those questions and you would find your passion. If it is a something that would be of value and would impact positively in the life of people then you are on the right track.

The law of association states that you become like those with whom you spend time.

(He that walketh with wise men shall me wise) Prov 13:20a.

The people you associate yourself with,will either move you forward or backward. Choose wisely!!

Your purpose can only come to manifestation when you are in the right environment,an environment that recognizes your potentials and value them.

4.THE GOD FACTOR :God is the source of everything,he is the creator of purpose and so therefore he is God over everything. If you want to find out what your purpose is then you have to go the source and creator of purpose to show and lead you till you find fulfillment.

