Off to the Ranch #18: Updates | Before & After | Back to Work

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Heeeyho Readers! More updates from our little ranch!

Woooooooot! It's been a while that I don't post updates from our ranch. For someone who lives near the sea, the two-hour cycle to the ranch is a great excuse to train on the mountains. At least every Friday I cycle up there and return on Monday, just in time to work on the blog, prepare new texts, and check other people's posts. A weekend off the internet, helping Dad, doing manual labor, serves to recharge the energies, despite the extensive exercise to actually get there.

However, sudden weekend storms held me back from cycling to the ranch — the cons of not having a car. I could still face the rain, since the temperatures haven't dropped significantly yet, but I've got enough of wetting my butt and eating mud. I waited.

I finally visited Dad after a month. The result is a bunch of future posts. {Anxious}. So, to get the mighty fingers going, and to activate my other three or four neurons, I'd like to show the before and after of the ranch's backyard (if ranches even have one). Let's see what has changed!


Before and After

The thumbnail gives away the changes. There's a lot of work into those changes, swearing, planning, hammering, shouting, heavy-lifting, organizing, dad-ordering, dad-demanding, dad-asking-for-tools and etc. I obey. For a roof and meals, I'm a cheap worker; it is what it is. To the details, shall we.



There was this ginormous clutter. The what-ever-that-is to the left and the old cattle handling facility served no purpose other than blocking the view to the valley. If you are following the Off to the Ranch series you know we've built a fenced area for the fruit trees and a chicken coop to the left of the lamppost you see there. See the changes below.



I tried to take this picture from the same spot, though it's a little to the left. That decrepit wooden shed gave place to our chicken coop and dog kennel. From the cattle handling structure only the back wooden fence is up and a few posts (waiting for our neighbor's tractor to pull them out.) You can see a few clutter remain scattered, mainly our bench saw (below the yellow tarp), construction gravel, concrete mixer and a plow — those will be stored away soon. Our backyard is slowly becoming pleasing.





Relief is the best word to define the above change. I spent a few days digging old roof tiles from the ground; the good ones we used on the chicken coop. Then, Dad worked solo to remove this cattle ramp. It looks like magic, but what you see here is months worth of work. And it's far from done. At least the grass is growing back.


Side view before


Side view after

Look how much ground we've gained. This would've been worthless space hadn't we removed the cattle facility. We plan to keep a wooden fence around this part (perhaps restore the old one). There's plenty of space for a huge garden here, or a greenhouse.


Before: taken midway through removing the cattle handling facility

We took the above picture midway through removing the cattle handling facility. This has got to be the toughest task so far. Can you imagine removing fifty-year-old posts by hand?



We are waiting for our neighbor to remove the remaining posts as those are solid in place. I can't wait for that moment.

Lastly, I'd like to show a not-so-drastic change.


Garage before


Garage after

What you see here is the before and after of our garage (tools shed). I don't get why the property's previous owner built this thing — it's ugly, the roof is too low; it's bent and twisted. The highlight, however, is the exterior. We cleaned the clutter around the shed and removed the sand (right bottom corner), which allowed the grass to grow again. It's incredible how things change when we simply organize it.

I believe that by September we'll dismantle the shed to give place to Dad's new house. Super wild journey ahead.

See you on the next update!


Did you know that I have a book out? Check this!

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~Love ya all,

Disclaimer: The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking and more than 5.000 km cycling. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping, & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

 3 years ago  

Those are massive improvements you’ve effected there. Totally awesome, actually. I love it that you’ve now got space for a garden and greenhouse, can’t wait to see what you do with it. The garage too, looks much better. Thank you for posting in the EcoTrain. ❤️🤗💕

Heey thanks

The garage too, looks much better

I can't wait to dismantle it hahahahahah
Dad's new house will be in that spot

The first photo with the before and after got me confused at first. After reading and realising the arrow was pointed to the other photo in each case, it made sense lol. I thought 'er, it looked better before" lol

Hah! Gotcha. It worked as desired then, to confuse \o\o
But I'm not gonna lie even myself got the arrows the other way around while creating that thumbnail


 3 years ago  

Wow! You and dad actually did massive work and I really love the improvements I am seeing. This is far better than how it was before and I am loving the greens. It´s the first image of the ranch´s backyard that fascinated me and it´s a well done job. Thanks for sharing with us the ongoing work on the ranch and garage.

Thank you!

Isn't it amazing how nature grows healthier when we organize things up? I too love how the grass is getting greener.

 3 years ago  

So so amazing and you will feel the good fresh air coming from it too 😌

yeeeees! and the glorious smell after mowing the grass

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