in ecoTrain4 years ago


One of the most known Spanish book characters Don Quixote De La Mancha was pretty intriguing, so back when there was no lockdowns, I travelled the same towns like him and had my esoteric experiences shared with a female Sancho. One of the many adventures before losing the most important aspect of life: Freedom.

Being born in a rural Nordic town, with a pretty harsh childhood, has built up a certain Finnish trait Sisu, which is a kind of mental toughness. It can go both ways, one cannot be brainwashed so easily, but being stuck in a certain ideology, it is hard to update the reality tunnel. There is a huge potential for strong communities, but too much blind obedience can result in eradication of human rights, which is happening in Finland right now.

In Spain for over a year your only right has been to stay inside quietly. Being a natural rebel, need to show lack of fear by breathing fresh air through the nose walking around, even being the only one in the whole city basically. Since the Scientific literature includes zero benefits and a huge list of problems about wearing stuff in front of exhaling holes, my health goes above reactions of the people living in the commercial world, not the real one.

Since having self-built morals, adjusting to the new normal and building tools to make it obsolete, it is hard to see a dark future. If I can make my own means of exchange and participate in a decentralized information revolution, money is even a smaller issue than before. Being one of the first people downloading the Bitcoin Wallet and using it, has enabled a life outside the "system" for almost a decade now.

The whole time have not accepted Euros for a payment method, I do something I see which benefits the life of others without any contracts or debts, which makes life so much more enjoyable. Recently found a JS Framework Quasar, where making apps is pretty easy even for someone with rusty coding skills.

On of the wisest memes goes something like: it is useless to fight the current failing system, the trick is to make it obsolete. The systems have existed, from Timebanks to local communities, but searching for alternatives has not been a trending thing before.

Having random visits in a friends YT videos, speaking out some ideas for the public and also restarting the adventuring side by visiting different places, speaking with random people. Kind of the original journalists did back in the day. Getting rid of fear of publicity as a Finn is not an easy task by no means.

The whole C project is based of fear reflexes, having and invisible and undetectable enemy is the most clever one so far. Having had many flus a winter up north, the media Gaslighting has very small effect even living on the other side of EU(SSR). Divide and Conquer, living in a Latin-based language area has increased curiosity about the real history behind the official narratives.

At the age of information already most of human knowledge has been destroyed by the Alphabet company and such, which has been a real problem for a long time. Blockchains are perhaps the next step, but mostly people only look at the token price tags, which has nothing to do with development aspects or the data within.


The old knowledge is really valuable, and living in one of the oldest cities in Europe, seeing the old being crushed down and new cubes being built instead, even the Fiesta culture is no more. Sad people walking with two or more masks, the Finnish culture has been implemented here now too.

The climate is pretty good, even though recently it has been really cold. Having some plants growing in the balcony year-round is a nice addition to the positives. The original idea was to buy some land and grow my own food, but since they seem to get rid of private ownership, that is out of the question for the time being.

But patience is a virtue in a sense, it has not gone desperate enough for the majority to skip to the new virtual worlds, at least the biggest fear of a Finn usually is Change. Since having the distance of over 4000 km with old friends, cannot really do much. Also rumours about having daughter sent into some retraining facility in secret, increases the motivation to try do something, even it is virtual.

I never make plans, sometimes there is a crazy idea popping up and I just make it somehow. Used to live everyday a new person, trying different reality tunnels and perspectives. For example, the people who were poor before are way more prepared to the new normal, than the better folks.

Resource thinking is a great tool to see the actual world a bit more clear. Instead of prices, looking at the actual important aspects. So in a situation where we can create our own community tokens like HBD and such based on activity and appreciation, the old world seems so absolutely dumb.


Making a list of priorities at a certain time might help seeing aspects about the old self, but these days things change so quickly, so setting things in stone is perhaps the best option. I like to imagine big, but change the basics if there are better options available. They said p2p money would not work, but look at how the crypto world is attracting with only a strong encryption database, the majority turns to decentralized data blockchains sooner or later.


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