Un gran saludo para todos, empezamos la semana participando nuevamente en esta gran iniciativa del equipo de @ecotrain #QuestionOfTheWeek.
A big hello to everyone, we started the week by participating again in this great initiative from the @ecotrain #QuestionOfTheWeek team.
¿Por qué crees que tantos juegos de computadora se basan en la violencia extrema? ¿Crees que es saludable o no saludable?
Why do you think so many computer games are based on extreme violence? Do you think it is healthy or unhealthy?

Vivimos en un mundo donde las cosas cada día funcionan de manera insólita o al revés, en un mundo donde lo que vende es: el amarillismo, la violencia, el sexo, actualmente los vídeo juegos basados en la violencia están liderando el mercado, si pones a escoger a un grupo de personas entre un juego que posiblemente pueda generar algo positivo en la persona que lo juega y otro donde el tema principal es la violencia, asesinas de miles maneras, con diferentes armas, y en algunos casos el vestuario tanto de mujeres como hombres dejan cada vez menos a la imaginación, seguramente el gran ganador seria el juego de violencia y se vendería como pan caliente, entonces en vista de esta absurda preferencia por la sociedad, los empresarios o creadores de vídeo juegos tienen como único fin generar ingresos cada vez más altos y que sean aceptados por la sociedad, pienso que por esto cada vez es mayor el número de vídeo juegos violentos en el mercado.
We live in a world where things work in an unusual way or the other way around every day, in a world where what sells is: yellowness, violence, sex, currently video games based on violence are leading the market, if you put to choose a group of people between a game that could possibly generate something positive in the person who plays it and another where the main theme is violence, you kill in thousands of ways, with different weapons, and in some cases women's clothing As men leave less and less to the imagination, surely the big winner would be the game of violence and it would sell like hot cakes, then in view of this absurd preference for society, businessmen or video game creators have the sole purpose of generating income higher and higher and accepted by society, I think that this is why the number of violent video games on the market is increasing.
Hace un par de días escribí un post para un concurso de @hivegaming en donde debíamos hablar sobre nuestras memorias de nuestros vídeo juegos favoritos, pude decir que mi favorito era Mario Bros, y que mortal kombat era lo peor pues siempre perdía, y me mataban de mil maneras, creo que fue el juego más violento que pude conocer en esa época de los 90, me impresiona ver cómo ha cambiado la industria y que hayan miles de tipos de vídeo juegos basados en la violencia extrema y como está la tecnología cada vez más reales.
A couple of days ago I wrote a post for a hivegaming contest where we had to talk about our memories of our favorite video games, I could say that my favorite was Mario Bros, and that mortal combat was the worst because I always lost, and they killed me a thousand ways, I think it was the most violent game that I could know in that time of the 90s, I am impressed to see how the industry has changed and that there are thousands of types of video games based on extreme violence and how technology is increasingly real.

Es cierto que algunos estudios, indican que no hay relación entre los vídeo juegos basados en la violencia y la conducta violenta que pueda presentar una persona, pero también es cierto que nada en exceso es saludable, por lo tanto una persona que pase horas, hasta días frente a un computador mandándole todo este tipo de violencia a su cerebro no puede generar nada bueno y en algún momento esa persona podría drenar toda esa violencia revuelta en su cerebro de alguna forma, además las desventajas que tienen este tipo de juegos, como por ejemplo: crean adicción, en adultos y niños pueden generar dependencia y aislamiento, falta de atención, se hace difícil diferenciar entre la realidad y ficción, entre tantas otras desventajas.
It is true that some studies indicate that there is no relationship between video games based on violence and violent behavior that a person may present, but it is also true that nothing in excess is healthy, therefore a person who spends hours, until days in front of a computer sending all this type of violence to his brain cannot generate anything good and at some point that person could drain all that revolt violence in his brain in some way, in addition to the disadvantages that these types of games have, such as Example: they create addiction, in adults and children they can generate dependency and isolation, lack of attention, it is difficult to differentiate between reality and fiction, among many other disadvantages.
Por lo tanto creo que no este tipo de videojuegos no son saludables más que todo en niños o adolescentes los cuales son más vulnerables ante estos mensajes de violencia, personalmente como madre no permitiría o buscaría la manera más inteligente para evitar que mi hija o hijo jugaran este tipo de videojuegos y si nos puede evitar por el tema de la rebeldía y que lo prohibido llama más la atención, estaría pendiente de supervisar el contenido y no dejar que se vuelva una adicción, creo que es una difícil labor y responsabilidad que tenemos como padres.
Therefore, I think that these types of video games are not healthy, especially in children or adolescents who are more vulnerable to these messages of violence, personally as a mother I would not allow or seek the most intelligent way to prevent my daughter or son from playing this type of video game and if it can avoid us due to the issue of rebellion and that what is forbidden draws more attention, I would be pending to monitor the content and not let it become an addiction, I think it is a difficult task and responsibility that we have as parents.

Espero que tengan una gran semana llena de éxitos, encantada con este QOTW, nos pone a pensar y a investigar, eso me gusta.
I hope you have a great week full of successes, delighted with this QOTW, it makes us think and investigate, I like that.

awesome post @marivic10! Thank you for this gem.. and thank you for translating it too!
There was one line that really stood out to me! you said
that word revolt, wow.. that is something i never thought of before.. thank you! important knowledge that is..
i look forward to reading more of your posts!
can i ask you one thing.. and maybe you could ask your friends also. it would be GREAT if you can put the English translation after the Spanish, so that we can read it all at once..
The translations are very good, and we get lots of posts so it will save lots of time when we read with scrolling etc. Thank you!
Greetings, and blessings.Hi @eco-alex thanks for your comment your words honor me, the truth is that it is a controversial issue. For many people violent games do not cause aggression but I think something has to affect your brain.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will take it into account.
This post has been submitted to the OCD community curation initiative for some great upvotes! OCD are currently supporting posts in the ecoTrain community! Congrats and keep posting great content
Thanks for the support @ecotrain, @ocd, it means a lot to me.
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Thanks, I'm really glad you liked my post, this mention is an honor for me.
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