It's time to show and introduce my mini farm. My small farm has crops appropriate in climate here in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; like Peanuts, Bitter Gourd, Squash, Onion, Green Beans, and Watermelon. Additional is the Monggos plants by my cute kittens and their mother.

As you see in my image above there is two holes with the green screen around the rock, that is empty and I plan to put Papaya seed or the Watermelon but it depends how long the seeds grow. But when I check to the internet, it is not appropriate to plant a Papaya in this season because it will bear a tiny fruit. Better to proceed to Watermelon.

Early in the morning around 6:15 , I woke up and think what should I do first? Do I need to clean first the ground area or watering the plants? I think watering first, then the ground cleaning! LOL
Every time I woke up in the morning first thing I'm doing is to pray, washroom, then my plants. After is the cooking time! This are my routine everyday but sometimes my wife do the cooking and washing the plates.
You don't need to stress yourself of what happened outside, just do your part and share story that others can learn from you to inspire them including planting vegetables in time of Community Quarantine the same what happen to all of us right now.

Always observe and look back to your plants the changes it made in everyday then take a picture for your reference and memories.

Here in Middle East I must maintain the soil wet by means of watering in the morning and afternoon or evening because of the heat of the sun and the heat of the air that can wither the leafs and its fruits.

This is all my anti-stress and good to my eyes to see this lovely plants sprouting and growing day by day. Then do inhale and exhale and think something good that can help you.

I will take care of this small sprouting Watermelon and always looking on it how it grows day by day. I'm so excited of how it grows and how it bear fruits, I hope it will not die during this season. Good thing that this watermelon was seasonable and can adopt the weather.

I think I need to do something for this kind of plant when it grows. I need to make a fence where he can crawl while growing and the fruits will leave it hanging instead on the ground.
By the way, I made a DIY bench chair using two hollow block and a piece of wood that I kept for a long time. It's nice to hang up here outside and feel the breeze.

Very soon, I will remove the squash and replace by seasonal plants like watermelon or melon. To be honest, I have never tried to plant watermelon before. Now I can try how to grow watermelon.
That's it for now! Don't for get to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

love it! this is what i want to see ken! anyone without a garden who doesn't realise they can grow food even on a balcony NEEDS to see this one!
Yup! I would like to inspire others especially in our time right now... 😊 Thank you so much for appreciating my job... (^_^)
Yun oh. Ang halaman an ni Kanuto.
Hahahaha... Nice right... 😁