Therefore, through Jesus, let us offer a continual sacrifice of praise to God, by which we proclaim our allegiance to his name. 16 And don't forget to do good or to share what you have with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. Hebrews 13: 15-16 (NLT)
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We are called to offer a continuous sacrifice of praise to God, which implies that it does not matter what situation you are living in, but that in the midst of what we are living, whether pleasant or unpleasant, we have to praise God.
When we live pleasant, good moments, of financial well-being, family or any other positive situation, it becomes easy to praise God from our hearts. However, when the situation is not favorable, we think that a mountain falls on us and it becomes difficult for us to praise the mighty God.
When life turns into a desert and everything seems like a storm, then we want to flee and escape from the adverse circumstance because we do not want to suffer in our own flesh, the suffering or pain that the problem produces.
It seems, that in difficulties, it kind of becomes complex to praise God. However, the believer must have the knowledge that no matter what he is living, he must offer continuous sacrifice of praise to God.
The experience of Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail is a good example that we must follow, in which, if the moment is painful or suffering, only, we must praise God with songs and prayers to search the praise the comfort of God in the midst of anguish or suffering.
Both Paul and Silas had their backs full of wounds from the blows they had received with sticks, however, they did not complain or lament about the situation they were experiencing, but in the midst of their anguish they praised God.
Perhaps, you are living the tragedy of the pandemic or the consequences of the economic crisis, but do not be discouraged, do as Paul and Silas, in the middle of the prison of your problem, praise God and find new strength to resist and overcome your trouble. Certainly, the storm will pass and everything will return to calm.
Praise God in the midst of anguish and the presence of the Lord, times of refreshment will come for your life.

This a very important lesson we ought to learn, I've tried this several times and it as work wonders and miracles for me.
So I know better than feeling down during distress.
Thanks for sharing this Masterpiece with us.