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RE: Excerpts From My Struggles

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Damn it bro, I do notice your activity dropped slightly on the chain and I mean slightly for someone going through all this, it is expected to miss a day or two without posting but you still squeeze in time to create content. Hope you get well soon.

As for family responsibility, I can relate this is something that is just a culture in Africa which puts a dent in the growth of the person carrying all the responsibility but on the other hand we just can't ignore...

We've not been able to secure an apartment because they're either too expensive or not good enough.

Or the landlord wants to see you have 8 hours a day job

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

but you still squeeze in time to create content.

Not really. I use to write posts beforehand and keep them in my notes, then when I have emergencies or I'm not able to write, I just post them, I've not written anything In three days except for today. Only reliant on my arsenal of contents to be active. It's all exhausted now. I may not post tomorrow, if I find the energy I might..
The family responsibilities has hit he more than my expectations. I'm hoping I can get better, move and take a break to recover over the course of two months.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Shame take it easy bro and take that much needed break.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had to reread to confirm if you're an arsenal fan, lol.