in ecoTrain3 years ago

Image from Pinterest. Edited on November, 2021

Hello my beautful people, back here after some time away.

Very grateful for having the opportunity to do it again, I send you a big hug full of energy, love and much respect for each of you ...

You are the Cause of your life and not the Effect...

When you are the cause of your life and not the effect, you can escape the trap of routine thinking. You recognize that there is no such thing as coincidence or accident, everything has a reason, because everything is connected. Life will be full of adversity on all sides, because of this we always succeed.

Everyday life takes for granted many things that we believe are always so; but as we constantly go through them we lose the sense of achievement, even breathing when you can't do it you know it is a huge achievement. In the end life is not about making sure what we want, it is about making sure that no matter what happens we are happy with it.

Image from Pinterest. Edited on November, 2021

Life is not about what happens, it's about how we react and act to what happens to us. It's not about the circumstances, it's about how we evolve in the face of them to become stronger. In life there will ALWAYS be something missing, but there can never be a lack of G-d, whatever your belief or religion. If we can manage our emotions, we can see more options, you will be able to make better decisions and if you can make better decisions, then you will have better results.

Life is borrowed and at any moment it is our turn to give it back; that is why you must live it in the best way, "loving what you do" and if you don't like what you do or where you are, you are just dying slowly in silence.

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In this life we will all know pain, but if we stay in it refreshing that bad moment every day, we will pass to a state of suffering. Life is based on universal laws and principles that know neither of morals, nor of "good people" it is fulfilled and period, enjoy life and learn that ALL THE FEELING OF LOSS COMES FROM THE FALSE FEELING OF POSSESSION.

Sometimes I hear people commenting "what's the use of thinking positive if I always go wrong anyway", the ENERGETIC level and lack of knowledge of the universal principles that are nourished only by thoughts of doubt, anger, sadness, fear and pain. Not understanding, the majority that our thoughts and emotions shape our destiny, will continue to suffer such poor lives. Beliefs are signed simply by retention or high emotional impact, what you repeat to yourself you will believe and you will have by law manifest in your physical world, listen to yourself. If IT ENTERS YOUR MIND IT WILL BE IN YOUR WORLD. Free yourself forever from the yoke of repeating what you do not want.

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We all go through adversities in life, but the way you generate the right attitude towards those situations will determine if that will propel you or sink you. The ATTITUDE with which you face life is an unconscious style of thinking and feeling that is determined by the way you speak, this generates your own life, fulfilling the law of cause and effect. It is the most important time to feel and think about the wonder of life, the opponent is filling humanity with fear and a message of doom, undermining the spirit of your soul. If everything that has happened in your life you have overcome, what makes you think that what is coming you can not, hold on to the laws of heaven. You can.

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It really is a pleasure to be with you again...

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