in ecoTrain3 years ago


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As living life is beyond having material things but also having a spiritual connection so is success.

success is beyond accomplishments of material things. Most times success is focused on temporary things(money) and ignores lasting accomplishment(spiritual relationship).

We feel success is having popularity, more money, and power but with time all these get to fade away after death and we will be left spiritual accomplishment which is how far we get connected, God.

This brings me to this week's question of the week about what success looks like from a spiritual perspective.

Spiritual success differs from what we possess but deals with our faith.it our submission to God for the advancement of his kingdom.
It is not just about hearing but acting upon God's word is needed to be spiritually successful.

Our spiritual success is measured by how faithful and righteous we can be to whatever spiritual being we acknowledge, how well we serve.

Success has been allocated right from the beginning to everyone both spiritual and material success it is all just about our hard work and desire to be partakers.
To be partakers of material success we need hard work and to be partakers of spiritual success we need desire, desire gives birth to our urge in spiritual accomplishment.

This made me reflect on the Bible in Joshua 1vs8

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have success.

Here we are clear on how living by the world God has created should lead to a prosperous life and success.
a prosperous life is having access to all good things that can make living life easy and the success here is having both material success and spiritual success.

Having a desire to please God by meditating in his Commandments brings about being faithful and righteous, then living in accordance to the way it is written earn us SPIRITUAL SUCCESS

There are several ways to succeed spiritually and part of them includes.

one very to live by God is obeying his word and obedience brings us a close relationship to him which help us fulfill spiritual success

pledging allegiance to God is one way that can earn us spiritual success because we tend to follow every of his word and live life according to his will.

humble obedience and total submissions to God earn us spiritual success because we tend to only see spiritual successes priority.

Having to live a life that follows every of God's commandments, a life to propagate total spirituality is earning spiritual success.

This week's question of the week gave a reflection of how there can be spiritual success and how it pleases God to be spiritually successful all thanks to @ecotrian for this initiative.

Thank you for taking the time in reading through my blog


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Nice one, man

Thanks for dropping by bro.
I really appreciate

You've got a nice content pal.

I'll open church for you soon.🤣🤣

Lol @obaro I could not stop laughing when I saw this comment.
Thanks for dropping by .

You are welcome my friend. 💯💪

They say, the spiritual controls the physical so of you are strong and willing and successful spiritual then your physical will be great...
Nice post boss @ijohnsen

Thanks for dropping by bro @zara09

Welcome boss

Wow super creative
I love your write up

Thank you @khingstan I'm glad you like it

For sure
You're welcome 😇😇