Greetings Noble Members Of This Wonderful Community.
It's A Really A Great Pleasure To Be In Your Midst and also am so excited sharing an experience more like a miracle in my life.
Miracle can be anything based on how we see it.
It could be gaining admissions into school, Getting a job, escaping danger, or even giving birth after a long time, it all depends on how we define it.
As Human we might have experienced several things that might seem weird or can make one feel surprised or happy.
In my own case I have witnessed a miracle that got me shocked and happy at the same time.
It all happened 2 years ago.
It Was When I And My Family Escaped Death As A Result Of A Fatal Accident....
This is how it happened
I remembered traveling home for vacation that was my first time travelling home since 16 years of staying in the northern part of Nigeria,maiduguri to be precised where my dad was carrying out his military duties.
It happened in the year 2010 my family were set for the journey, my dad my mum I and my four siblings boarded a luxurious bus that will take us all the way down to enugu state. it was a very long journey we started our journey at Exactly 12:00pm we were half way to makurdi, it was a quiet drive.
just when you were about entering benue state we had a loud crack from behind but we ignored it thinking it was the noise from the road, few seconds later the vehicle started moving left and right the driver tried all his possible best to stop the moving vehicle but had lost control all his efforts to stop the vehicle proved abortive at that point everyone was screaming at the top of their voices then the vehicle drove itself into the bush and somersaulted that was all I could remember.
I felt really Blessed
I woke up and found myself on the hospital bed my parents and my other siblings were sitting by my side thank God we were all saved it was later discovered that I had fainted as a result of the shock.
the wheels of the tire had broken the back tyre were out it was just left with the broken wheels that was what caused the noise that made the car somersault.
no life was lost although we sustained minor injuries but thank God we all came out alive.
It was the passerby who came to our rescue and removed all of us from the vehicle before further damages would arise.
That was one experience I would never forget in a hurry.
I Know That It Will Be A Best Thing That Can Happen To Anyone, Surviving An Accident Without Any Major Injury is a very big miracle and a thing of Joy Anyone who experience this will forever be grateful.
#qotw #ecotrain #nigeria #miracle