I just met an angel in person - The Rainbow Family Raw Vegan Healing Gathering and a SUPERHERO

in ecoTrain3 years ago

For about 9 months now i am on my journey to find like-minded people and a place to call home.

Out of nowhere somebody wrote me a message via my contact form on my website and neither used a name nor a real email address. I do not even know if this person was male or female - I can just guess who it might have been.

I was told about a "Rainbow Family" so called "(Raw Vegan) Healing Gathering" very close to me. Of course some fears and doubts came up, but I was sure I want to make this unique experience so I prepared.

The story about how I got there and all the good and bad things that happened on this 3 week journey is another story. I will focus on one very important detail.

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 3 years ago  

wow, such a beautiful story, thank you for sharing this!