Hi, dear hive people,
I need to thank the #ecoTrain people group for this significant inquiry. Responding to this question is vital to me.
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, measures to deal with climate change
In nations all over the planet including India, environmental change is affecting the pattern of climate. The greatest concern is a dangerous atmospheric deviation, which is arriving at disturbing levels because of the expansion in the emanation of ozone-depleting substances. As indicated by research, by decreasing the outflow of ozone-depleting substances, we can lessen the serious occasional calamities brought about by environmental change.
A gathering of researchers and scientists from the world's significant colleges concentrated on 20 environment models from around the world to decide the impacts of environmental change on precipitation. The analysts then consolidated models with low discharges situations for ozone-harming substances to anticipate how a specific area was impacted.
The discoveries of the investigation discovered that 14% of wheat, maize, rice, and soybean-developing regions could see a lessening in precipitation, while 31% could see an expansion in precipitation. As per the exploration, in the situation of low ozone harming substance emanations, China and India, the world's 2 biggest rice-delivering nations, could expand how many downpours during every one of the four harvests examined.
The end is that by diminishing ozone harming substance discharges, the impacted region can be decreased from 11% to 6% in China and from 80% to 17% in India.
That's what the investigation discovered on the off chance that there is no far-reaching decrease in ozone-depleting substance emanations, the upper pieces of the equator, like North America and Europe, could see a critical expansion in precipitation in mid-2020. Change is as of now apparent in certain areas.
Wheat, corn, rice, and soybeans represent 40% of the world's food utilization. As indicated by research, on the off chance that ozone-depleting substances are restricted, the arrangement of precipitation can be restricted and the worldwide level and food emergency because of exorbitant downpour dry season can be kept away from.
thank you for your contribution to the QOTW!
COuld you please cite your references? You have stated a lot of data that clearly must have come from somewhere, but it is hard to see where it all came from. THis is very important to do as most of your post(s) read like they were copied from somewhere due to the language used. Also you must have taken these facts and figures from somewhere.hi @garcondiable
Can you reply to this comment with some links to where you got this data from?
thank you!
Hey, I hope you are well, your concern is about my source right I can provide you.
It's from
So you can see all the text here but it is in an elaborated form, but in my blog, it is simplified, and I wrote the things I remember.
I can provide more source explanations in my next blog.
Thanks for reading my post IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(https://www.ipcc.ch)
ok thank you i will take a look
PLEASE in all your future posts ENSURE you add links to any sources that you use at the end of your post. If you do not it is very likely that you may get blacklisted and your account downvoted on all posts by various teams on Hive.. Im sure you do not wish this to happen! WIthout citing your sources it is considered plagiarism and is a big issue for Hive.
thanks again!
It should have been reported then, for the record in our DB.
Could you please report any abuses in our form?
The user has continued with the fraud.