Emotional TakeOver : Ins & Outs.

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Each day brings something new for us whether we like to see it or not, maybe those gifts that come brfore us arent properly decorated but we surely do feel them and thats a positive aspect of our life.For this change that takes us to nee limits or phases of life, one by one, we do make our inner adjusting that helps us to fit where we want to be and we just adapt with it as the days roll on.Thats a clear picture on the face of the earth and the whole life we lead.

When I look at my life, I sometimes do see some dark spots and static growth that for some moments hurt me so much that I tend to keep late hours at night and as a consequence of that petty frustration and the faded color of that cast a dark chapter on my status and the quality of living.But,the reality is these are just part of the game we all play in our life ; we are incomplete and the long marathon race takes us to the endless destiny, but in some cases, we do need to learm from these things.


Few years ago,I attended a seminar which had the primary objective to tell people about the gravity and the necessity of emotional balance and neutralization* which aimed at spreading awareness among the young groups of people aged between the age limit of 18-31. That was a noble seminar,to be practical, but recently I began to feel about the grestness of that program, bit late but now I can see the meaning behind it.

Those seminars try to promote the mostly focusing objectives that ensures that the young generations do get the proper support and mental help when they do feel the need of it.Right exactly,we all know that how critical and crucial is the young age turns out,in midst of tough times and loss, separation,divorce,family pressure,job -unemployment, emotions and the nature etc, all of these things are normal and we get to see that everyday all around us.

So, thats pretty natural, I guess.

Speaking from the tactical point of view of the workforce which is doing the hard works and deploying all the energy to the cause of running all the productive jobs and businesses and executing all the services ; the young age all the time plays the prominent role in doing so and we all are to be dependent on them for all the logical reasons. But,thats the another rules of nature, that makes them sometimes go emotionally off -balance and making them very fragile when they get hit by the stress and anxieties,that kills many a man inwardly -- but nobody notices them from outside.How Harsh Truth??

I have seen many people do get affected by the mental trauma and sometimes, clinical depression that spoils the brightest of lives and talents to fall into the trap of death and even destroying in to develop suicidal tendency, as a side effects of the mental problem.We lost a number of international superstars and they were ill fated to have premature death. But,we are actually getting least concerned with this.However, that shouldn’t be the cases left untreated, but we must find way out to escape from there.


Controlling the emotions arent that much easy and we being young and tender has to deal with many things, as we have our own way of living our life. But,emotions and the outbursts of it is a normal thing to have for a guy, hereby to be able to reduce that and the check-ups of emotional intensity to control that further is a big big challenge for all of us, passing the age criteria of 18-31.There are different ways to tackle that, but most importantly we need o have a proper and calm mind to be able to operate the whole body and mind to greater degrees.

Playing with the emotions shouldn’t be an option ; and we can be so driven by anger and frustration when we do face sone set-backs or failure at any stage of life.Now,at the time of early boyhood or the later phase of the old age, the reactions to failure is so soft and compromisimg that, it does naturally fit so comfortably that no mental harm happens. But,you know ; you cant just tackle your failures easily and for some reason, you tend to be taken over by emotios, and overflowing emotions..

Thats very hard to manage over the time..

But, I hope, if we do shape our mind to the extent where the emotions are controlled and acted properly on, with the application of logical sense and gaining the skill to channel the anger to positive and pragmatic directions,then young age would be more smart and glorified,optimistic and decorated, colorful and jovial, fresh and energetic and full of youth in it.Thats the bottom line and we just need to know that very well.

May we all follow that and hope to do better the next time faced down with failure and setbacks. Thanks all for reading this down to tbe bottom of the write and I wish all of you a happy day. Good bye.👍

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Author:@ford.stem .