Why God allows suffering?????
This is very wonderful topic and thank you ecotrain for this wonderful privilege.
There are alot of reasons behind why there is so much suffering in the told today.
A gunman opens fire in a church, wounding and killing a number of people. Cancer takes a mother’s life, leaving behind five children.
So why does all these evil , problems , misfortunes , bad lucks , sufferings etc befalls us ? It is because humans believe they can rule themselves successfully.
In the garden of eden ,the devil misled Adam and Eve, satan accused God of being a bad ruler. He claimed that God was keeping something from Adam and Eve
Satan wanted them to believe that he would be a better ruler than God and they did not need God (Genesis 3:2-5)
Our first parents felt that they could be independent of God and still be successful. But when they pulled away from God’s rulership, he no longer sustained them in perfection. So they began to degenerate until finally they got old and died. Consistent with the laws of genetics, we have inherited that imperfection and death.
Adam and Eve disobeyed Jehovah and rebelled against him they thought that they had the right to decide for themselves what was right and wrong.
Jehovah prove that the rebels we're wrong and he know what is best for us.. remember Jehovah didn't destroy Adam and Eve immediately since they disobeyed his laws.. instead he allowed them to have children.
Then Jehovah made it possible for the children of Adam and Eve to choose whom they wanted as their ruler . Jehovah purpose was to fill the earth with perfect people and that was going to happen no matter what the devil tried to do(Genesis 1:28, Isaiah 55:10,11)
Also note that Satan challenged Jehovah in front of millions of angels (job 38:7,Daniel 7:10) so Jehovah gave Satan time to prove whether his accusations was true . He also gave humans time to set up their own government under Satan guidance
Also remember that Satan rules the world (John 5:19) God allowed Satan to rule the world just to prove a point and make it clear that Satan can't solve man's problem.
That is actually why we as humans are facing the problems we are seeing now on Earth
We all know that soon God will put an end to the suffering we are facing now(Jeremiah 29:9,10, revelation 21:4,5)
Why did God not destroy Adam and Eve and start over with another human pair? Because God’s universal sovereignty, that is, his right to rule, had been challenged. It has been clearly demonstrated that rulership by humans apart from God can never succeed. Only God’s rulership can bring peace, happiness, perfect health, and everlasting life. So Jehovah’s toleration of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end. Soon God will intervene in human affairs by destroying this entire unsatisfactory system of things.
Now will suffering ever end??
God hates suffering and injustice
God felt bad when his people in the bible time were cruelly mistreated.
The bible book of judges 2: 18 says that God was distressed because of those treating them badly.
God has strong feelings about those who harm others. For example, the Bible says that “hands that shed innocent blood” are detestable to him.—Proverbs 6:16, 17.
God also foretells a time when he will establish peace earth wide. Under his Kingdom, a heavenly government, people will not “learn war anymore.” Instead, they will “beat their swords into plowshares.” (Isaiah 2:4) God will bring an end to all injustice and suffering. The Bible promises: “[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things [including today’s injustices and sufferings] have passed away.”—Revelation 21:3, 4.
They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble.” As God says: “My people must dwell in a peaceful abiding place and in residences of full confidence and in undisturbed resting-places.”—Micah 4:4; Isaiah 32:18
All this and many more are God's promises to us, i know that soon our earth will be turned to paradise, more beautiful than the one our first parents stayed♥️♥️