Hello Macrophotography lovers how are you? Hope all of great and i wish all of stay safe,i am also great.
Today i will share my Macrophotography with the ecotrain community, hope you all like my Macrophotography.
Convolvulus Hawk-Moth
Convolvulus Hawk-Moth, or Agrius Convolvuli, is belong to hawk-moth (known as Sphinx moths and Hornworms) with grey wings, and pinkish banded body. Its wingspan can grow up to 80-120 mm. They are nocturnal moths with activity level peaking at night.
Left Sideview
Right Sideview
I found this moth just this morning resting outside. I was lucky that I got the chance to capture its beauty while this insect was still at rest. A perfect subject to practice my Macrophotography skills. And it seemed like I really need more and more practice on this matter, but I am still proud of the results.
I hope you like it! Your comments and feedbacks are highly appreciated. Thank you! ☺️
Close-up Shot
Camera Xiaomi Mi A1
Edit Snapseed
Aperture f/2.2
Exposure 1/60
Focal Length 3.83mm
ISO 320
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